• Georgia Congressional Redstricting Squeezes Democrats In Atlanta

    By Staff
    November 22, 2021
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    The Georgia legislature's current redistricting plan would turn Democrat incumbant Lucy McBath's Atlanta district into a more conservative jurisdiction, sure to elect a Republican in 2022, giving the GOP a 9-5 majority in the state's Congressional caucus.

    However, many America First analysts believe the GA GOP, and other red states, left seats on the table and should have pushed redistricting harder to the GOP Congressional column, as Democrats always do when they are in power, and are doing in blue states as we speak.

    The new map also makes a neighboring district held by Rep. Carolyn Bourdeaux (D-Ga.), who is white, much more safely Democratic. That might lure McBath to run in that district instead, a decision that would unleash a punishing primary fight, writes the New York Daily News.














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