• After Property Tax Increases of 35%+ Over Past Three Years Citizens Push Back Hard On SPLOST

    October 25, 2024
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    Georgia citizens are pushing back on counties who, in the face of 30-40% inflation are asking for even more money in taxes via Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST.)

    Forsyth, one of the fastest growing counties in the Country is facing significant opposition to their proposal to extend SPLOST.

    Billboards around town remind residents that SPLOST is on the Forsyth ballot and are pushing for a NO as people vote.

    Residents in Forsyth have concerns ranging from the vastly increased spending in the last few years, to a County Board which seems intent on driving ever more people to come to Forsyth so property values and costs can continue to inflate.

    Many residents came to Forsyth when much of the County was rural, agricultural or "horse" country and compare those times with the urban sprawl and numerous retail centers that have popped up all over the county.

    Forsyth property taxes have risen over 35% over the past three years and, as one of largest dollar costs faced by homeowners, have had significant detrimental impact on property owners financial status county-wide.

    A recent Letter to the Editor of Forsyth News, Hank Sullivan had this to say:

    Some residents are questioning why recent expenditures seems to have been drastically increased for the benefit of relatively few residents. A recently built high school for example includes features such an equestrian center and row of batting cages for the baseball team. Many wonder if such extravagancies are warranted when others Forsyth students do not benefit from these enhancements.

    Some citizens question the motives of the County Commission which seems to vote consistently 3-2 for expanded spending (Alfred John, Kerry Hill and Laura Semanson typically voting FOR increased spending; and Todd Levent and Cindy Mills typically questioning increased spending.)

    Given the economic climate in the U.S. amd Georgia, along with the many issues (economic and otherwise) faced at the moment, we wonder if asking Forsyth residents for yet again more spending is wise or foolhardy.

    The results of November 5th election may provide feedback from Forsyth residents.

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    William Quinn

    Bill spent 25+ years managing businesses in the Information and Technology sector. His career includes positions with Philips Electronics, CompuCom, AT&T and IBM. Since 2019 he has been investigating and researching business, health and political issues in order to make truthful information available to the American people.

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