• Wish List! City's 10 Year Capital Projects = $200 million

    By Staff
    April 20, 2015

    We requested this List after hearing of the 'Revenue' Needs that has been the proponent for the District.

    During the 1st District Community Meeting the cost was $139 million. The needs have increased $60 million in 2 months.

    It is also important to note that the City does not currently have a 10 year budget forecast, they manage year to year.

    *Another important fact omitted is that many of these Road & Corridor improvements are largely funded with Federal & State money, Not 100% local.*

    Here are some highlights:

    • $54 million Park items 
    • $6 million City Swimming Pool, Gymnasium etc.
    • $6 million New Fire Station (For the District?)
    • $5 million for Sidewalks
    • $2.5 million Pedestrian Crossing Bridges
    • $1.5 million Morton Rd Park (Near High Power Transmission Lines, per Work Session Discussion?)

    Newtown Park Improvements $8 million +

    • Parking Garage $ 3 million
    • Turf Fields $ 4 million
    • Dog Park expansion $450K
    • Tennis & Field Lights $700K

    Much More... 


    Consolidated 10 Year Capital - Pre District Plan -XLS

    Consolidated 10 Year Capital - Pre District Plan -PDF


    Source: Warren Hutmatcher, City Manager of Johns Creek



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    Where will they purchase riverfront land for parks?


    This is a prospective 'Wish List'. I requested the itemized list of capital needs of $139 million, that was mentioned during the "District" Bold Vision Kick off, and was sent this list.

    Concerned Citizen

    The District includes rivers and waterways built out or created from the retention ponds that currently exist.


    Has this list of Capital Projects been reviewed and approved by City Council? It seems rather lavish!

    John Galt

    Simply appalling that they want to spend more than 11.6 million dollars on Barnwell, a road with a traffic count of 9270 vehicles per day in 2013.

    Meanwhile, State Bridge and 141 has ten times that traffic. Are we getting ten times the money and effort spent there?


    The State Bridge & 141 is allocated $3.4 mill, which is the estimated cost for the innovate U-Turns. State Bridge Widening (from 141- River) is $2.9 million. Simply adding an additional dedicated turn lane going West on State Bridge, for folks to turn onto 141 North, would alleviate much congestion for Johns Creek Residents.

    John Galt

    For roads that we feel someone else will pay for we do very little.

    For roads that need no major revisions, we will spend willingly.

    Our priorities are, to put it simply, wrong.


    This list is an attempt to skew the debate for "The District" in favor of the project, but it is anything but an honest representation of the facts of the actual dollars required by the Johns Creek General Fund over the next ten years.

    These numbers do not take into account federal and state funding the city would receive for many of these projects. Most of the road, greenway trail, sidewalk, roundabouts, and storm water projects would receive significant federal and state funding.

    Do we also actually need a natatorium that costs 6 million dollars. Pretty much every subdivision in Johns Creek either has a subdivision pool or access to one.

    As for the parking deck at Newtown park (3.08 million dollars) if the city actually followed through on the park expansion projects on this list than the parking deck would not be needed.

    We as a community need to decide what type of town we want to live in, but let's make sure that decision is made after having an honest debate with all the facts.


    I agree. Instead of a $3 million parking deck at Newtown, how about a new park!

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