• Self-Storage Facilities Abound Abbotts Bridge Rd & 141?

    October 24, 2015
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    Self-Storage Facilities. With all the High-Density Apartments and multi-family developments, market demands are creating a flurry of self-storage facilities in the densest area of the City.

    At Monday Night's City Council meeting, a Self Storage company will petition to allow a facility on Abbotts Bridge Rd and 141. City staff has recommended denial.

    Developers are requesting multiple variances to squeeze it into the triangle shaped lot. 

    Secondly, another application has been submitted to City Hall for a Self Storage Facility in Johns Creek Walk Phase 2. That hearing should be in December.

    self-storageCurrently, there is an 'Extra Space Self Storage' on Abbotts Bridge Rd, east of 141.

    In conclusion, if both zoning cases get approval, there will be 3 facilities ~2500 ft from each other.

    Source: City of Johns Creek



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