• Can You Trust The Johns Creek Herald?

    October 25, 2017

    The Johns Creek Post also asked the Johns Creek Herald a few questions.  Here is their perspective on their job.  Answers were supplied by the editor Hatcher Hurd.

    1) It frequently appears you have a very close and cozy relationship with certain elected officials in Johns Creek and other municipalities. Do you feel an obligation disclose this to the readers?

    The question implies that we do not give fair or balanced information to our readers because of our relationships with elected officials. Of course, we know the city’s elected officials well and regularly communicate with them – that’s been Appen Media’s job since 1990, and with the city, since it was incorporated. Public officials are representatives of the people who elected them, so our ability to accurately communicate the opinions and priorities of those in office it is an asset to the Johns Creek community.

    2) What criteria are used when the Johns Creek Herald decides to praise one council member and chide another publicly?

    We report facts. We don’t take sides in our news coverage. If we do pen an opinion it is placed on our opinion pages and labeled as such with the author’s name clearly identified.

    3) Does the Mayor automatically receive free space for opinion letters, such as who he is supporting, in elections? (Ex: John Flores endorsement)

    No, but we do offer city and government officials a courtesy guest column on rare occasions if it is for the public good

    4) The City is on track to pay over $25k for advertising to the Appen this year, in addition to $182k in past years. With such a lucrative relationship with the city, do you feel an obligation to disclose this to the readers?

    We are always happy to be transparent with government spending in our publications. It is also part of the city’s public records. Our records show the City of Johns Creek spent $18,977.50 in legal advertising as required under the law in 2015 and $18,148.75 in 2016. For display advertising (things like festivals and special events) they spent $6,628.10 in 2015 and $18,952.10 in 2016. Both numbers represent <1% of Johns Creek Herald’s revenue.

    5) How does the revenue the JCH receives from Johns Creek affect the criticism that may or may not be made regarding important issues?

    It has zero affect on our coverage. We strive to be fair and balanced and write to inform the public.

    6) I regularly pull the FOIA records logs and have yet to see your name requesting documents in the past 2 years. How and why do you circumvent the proper method for acquiring documents with the city?

    As it pertains to the city, a FOIA request is not the “proper method”. Most of the time we simply ask for the information we seek from the department responsible for the information. If there were ever a case that we were not given information that we feel the public has a right to, we would certainly make a FOIA request.

    7) What research does the JCH do in matters such as the Traffic Lights, to affirm that indeed they are the best money can buy? Where is the documentation to support such statements?

    Most purchases of equipment are done through state contracts. Georgia, like many states, submits for bid a whole range of equipment such as police cars and a range of other products that will allow it to get the best price.
    The state ensures that the equipment meets its required specifications. Vendors typically allow counties and cities to participate on the state contract. Obviously, the state can negotiate a far better price than an individual city or county. The state also ensures the products are of good quality. It would be beyond our means to test and evaluate all of the equipment and materials the city buys. And rather pointless also.

    8) Does the City of Johns Creek get to review stories before publication and offer suggestions or modifications?

    No. The only times we would offer any kind of a review or partial review would be for a complicated issue like an annual budget to verify line items and numbers are accurately labeled and correct.



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    EJ Moosa

    Wow. That was my first response and it still is.

    The JCH has failed numerous times on # 1, #2, and #3 (MAJOR FAIL)

    I want to know how Bodker's endorsements are "for the public good".

    The City of Johns Creek fails on the FOIA question. I have to make a requests via FOIA, but Hurd can just call and get what he wants?

    The Johns Creek Herald fails on #7 as well. Council Member Endres was called out for challenging our ITS Traffic Light System. Now we learn that the criteria was how much money we spent, not the actual performance, and that the City's comments on the issue were taken as the Gospel truth. Imagine that.

    The JCH owes Council Member Endres an apology on this (and many other issues. They also owe Council Member Coughlin an apology on the Flores endorsement they ran. That was NOT for the public good but for the good of Bodker. It was meant to change the outcome of an election, and that is wrong. Let him take out an ad next time.

    There is a difference.


    EJ, I love seeing your comments and Jennifer I love your article. I'm surprised that you got any answers to your hard-hitting questions. Too bad the answers you got were mostly drivel.

    If I had a bird, then I'd have a reason to use the JCH, but I don't.


    JCH's responses to the JCP's questions is a bunch of canned BS that appears to be crafted their legal team.

    Smart Resident

    Numbers is where it matters. Meaning: publishing biz can survive only if there're subscribers and advertisers.

    If you don't like JCH, you can simply ask them to UNsubscribe you. When the number of subscribers goes down noticeably, the current (and future) advertisers won't advertise there anymore. Thus, the ad revenue will go down. So, anyone can protest by simply UNsubscribing to JCH by asking them not to deliver it to you. That's how it works. It's all in the numbers.

    Zane Edge

    In reading Hatcher Hurd’s responses, the JCH could report city information that focuses more on FOIA compliance in a “transparent” administration. But instead, the Johns Creek Herald gives more credibility to allowing some politicians to interpret and opine privately on issues to their reporter as they see fit. And that’s the “story” that gets written in the JCH articles. Okay, I’m starting to understand!! Please, tell us more Hatcher Hurd. I’m all ears. These journalistic standards are so very interesting.

    Public Good?

    I was appalled that Mayor Bodker got to endorse John Flores in a free news article in the JCH too! At least Hatcher stated in the opening line that Mayor Bodker was endorsing John Flores, a man the mayor had met only once!!! That would be equivalent to marrying someone you met only once.

    Why is Bodker's endorsements considered for the "public good"?


    How can a periodical that doesn't depend on revenue from subscribers be free of bias? We see it time in and time out with the MSM that either stories are misrepresented or not even/barely reported if it conflicts with their "corporate interests."

    Besides, if anything, we need more not less outlets for news than the few that are in force. We need to back to a time when news was used to serve the public good not further agendas of corporate and political interests.

    I used to read the Herald, now it goes straight to recycling.

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