• Top 5 News Posts - 2019 Year in Review

    December 31, 2019
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    Top 5 News Posts - Looking back on the year 2019

    Top 5 News Posts

    The 2019 Year in Review

    As we here at the Johns Creek Post wrap up another decade and prepare to relive the Roaring 20’s, let’s take a look back at the Top 5 News Posts before we close the door in 2019.

    The year was full of human interest stories, new businesses, and charitable and community events. There were posts about Johns Creek residents achieving national recognition. Posts about a variety of chorus and stage performances. There were events that highlighted the history of Johns Creek. There were informational stories and stories highlighting new Johns Creek businesses. But not surprisingly, the Mystery of the Trees, the Easter Basket ideas, and the Atlanta Staycation suggestions did not garner as much attention as the political posts.

    Many of the posts in 2019 were political. Topics included traffic improvements, zoning, City branding, City Council elections, Gateway markers, parks, billboards, taxes, and scandal. There were plenty of scandals.

    In addition to spite of all, the achievements, fun activities, and interesting history presented, the year was dominated by politics and scandal. Therefore, those were the stories that generated the most attention.


    5. The number five post of 2019

    The expose about the questionable permitting process for the apartment complex at Medlock Bridge and Bell Roads. Permits were approved for plans that differed from what the council approved and the expose highlights the Mayor’s previously documented relationship with the developer while raising additional ethical questions.

    Apartment Complex Permit Questions


    4. The number four post of 2019

    The October 18th reveal of the conceptual sketches for the Gateway Markers that also uncovered the story of how the sketches were pulled from public view.  “Despite misinformation by some in our community that the Gateway Markers Designs were not meant to be shared and evaluated, with the residents of Johns Creek. We’ve uncovered the truth through FOIA documents and can affirm what we presented was factually correct”. This story generated a follow-up story investigating the Johns Creek CVB and the questionable ethics involved in the vendor selection process for the Gateway Markers.

    Gateway Art


    3. The number three post of 2019

    On August 22nd an informational article revealing the slate of candidates who had qualified for City Council open posts. This was the first peek that most residents had into the full slate of 10 candidates for the three open positions. Furthermore, many stories would follow as the election dominated the Post for much of the Fall. The next most popular story being the election results on November 6th, which announced the candidates who would continue in the run-off.

    Johns Creek Election Ballot

    Johns Creek Election Ballot

    2. The number two post from 2019

    The October 14th post about the illegal planning commission meeting. “The meeting was on December 04, 2018. With three Planning Commissioners Absent, and two calling in on their cell phones. Only two in attendance, with their personal cell phones, positioned under the microphones”. This story shared the video that had been deleted from the City website of the planning commission meeting was held without a quorum.

    Illegitimate Planning Commission Meeting

    Illegitimate Planning Commission Meeting


    1. Number one Johns Creek Post from 2019

    Generating more interest and more comments than any other post this year,  was the December 1st expose on the corruption in the Mayor’s office. on the corruption in the Mayor’s office. “FOIAs documents expose campaign corruption at the highest levels of Municipal government: Johns Creek Mayor, Mike Bodker.” This story generated two follow-up posts. One was an editorial expressing the obligation of the City Council to investigate Charter violations. The second was a story about the investigation that is currently ongoing. Meanwhile, this developing topic will surely continue in 2020.

    campaign corruption scandal - Johns Creek Mayor | Top 5 News Posts

    campaign corruption scandal - Johns Creek Mayor


    Above all, we wish all of you a wonderful, healthy, and happy 2020! And hope that you will continue to trust us to keep you informed about happenings in Johns Creek.

    Happy New Year!




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