Landmark Communications - The 'Republican' Political Consulting Firm In Atlanta That Runs Democrats As Republicans, Some With Ties To Chinese Communist Party

July 21, 2021
Screenshot Landmark Communications

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Landmark Communications of Atlanta, GA bills itself as the 'go to' firm for GOP candidates to get elected in Georgia.

The founder, Mark Roundtree, says this about himself on Landmark's website:



Mark Rountree is President of Landmark Communications, Inc., which he founded in 1991.

Campaigns & Elections Magazine has recognized Mark as one of Georgia’s five “Top Influencers” as well as “the go-to man for GOP legislative candidates.”

Unfortunately, Landmark has a history of helping Democrats get elected running as Republicans. This phenomenon may have contributed to the absolute cesspool of corruption in the Peach State when it comes to the performance of Republican officials during the 2020 election cycle. Some of these candidates have ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

We believe there has been a concerted effort among Democrat operatives to do just that - infiltrate the GOP and run 'progressives' as Republicans, who are lying about their beliefs and views on the issues. All of the information below is from publicly available information.

Nazeera Dawood

Nazeera Dawood ran for the Johns Creek, GA (JC) city council in 2015. Johns Creek is a bedroom community of North Atlanta, now heavily populated by Asians.

Nazeera is an Indian immigrant and Landmark represented her during the JC election cycle in 2015. She was a member of the Republican Leadership Program when she qualified for Post 5 in JC. Nazeera advertised herself as a fiscal Republican, tough on taxes, a woman with 'Republican family values'. She was defeated for the position after information showing the complete opposite was released to the public. She was removed from the Republican Leadership Program after this development.

Nazeera is in the 'founders' photo below, of the event 'Tacos, Beers, And Abortions', sponsored by the National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum. Nazeera is obviously not a conservative. It was also found out during the election that Nazeera is not a medical doctor.

Nazeera's husband also made a video about his wife not being a Republican and being nudged into politics by Democrat operatives in Fulton County, GA.


Jordan Fuchs

Jordan Fuchs, the GA Deputy Secretary of State who leaked the phone call with President Trump and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, is a former Vice President of Landmark. Fuchs lied about the phone call to the press, and then deleted the original audio file, which was later found by an investigator.

Brad Raffensperger

GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was also represented by Landmark during his elections. This morning GA SoS Candidate David Belle Isle released data on Democrat contributions to Raffensperger's campaign. The behavior of Raffensperger since Nov 3rd has been bizarre for a Republican to say the least. More to come on that in another article.

Craid Kidd

Craid Kidd was the non-paid volunteer campaign manager for Nazeera Dawood during her candidacy in 2015. Kidd was also the Vice Chairman of the Fulton County GOP at the time. Kidd was forced to resign after he was found using JC public resources to insert 'progressive' candidates on the JC City Council.

Much of Craig Kidd’s time during city hours using city property was spent scouting Democratic candidates to run for Johns Creek City Council seats, reported The Johns Creek Post at the time.

JC Mayor Mike Bodker was Mark Roundtree's fraternity roommate in college. Craig Kidd worked for Mike Bodker.

Jay Lin

Landmark also represented Taiwanese immigrant 'Jay Lin' (not his Asian name) in his race for JC City Council, and follow-on race for a GA state representative seat. We have written extensively about Jay Lin here. Jay Lin somehow made it onto Governor Brian Kemp's transition team and was appointed to at least three other government board positions in GA, including one with influence over the Savannah Port.

In 2015 Jay Lin paid Landmark $65,000. This was a CITY COUNCIL RACE! A lot of money to say the least.

Jay Lin also ran as a conservative in JC. However, he had a reputation of not showing up for meetings, not paying attention, and voting opposite of Republican views. Jay Lin and Nazeera Dawood held political events together as they both ran for JC City Council in 2015.

Brad Raffensperger's wife donated the max to Jay Lin's campaign for state rep, and Raffensperger helped push Jay Lin and Nazeera during 2015.

Brad Raffensperger is on record saying he had to support Jay Lin because he owed the Chinese community for his previous election and fundraising. The man below next to Brad Raffensperger is Yale Xiao. Yale was Jay Lin's campaign manger for the Chinese community. On Chinese social sites his nickname is 'Old Money'.

Yale's son was as student at Harvard University. He is shown below in an article he wrote where he declares that if his Mom had stayed in China, she could have been quite high up in the central government. That would be the Chinese Communist Party. See the first sentence in the article from The Harvard Independent.

You can read the entire article on the PDF tab below:

We reached out to Mark Roundtree at Landmark Communications prior to publishing this article. We have yet to receive a response.

We are have multiple Open Records Request in GA and they cost big money…We need your help to continue! We can now take donations via Zelle also! Please help us keep up the fight!



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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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Ed Thigpen

Root out these progressives who owe their allegiance to anyone else other to We the People, especially any who are aligned to the CCP and the Dominion voting system so we can rise up against them!

Rosetta Bulluck

I am sending this email to thank you kindly for your help with this communist party that these crooks to pay for votes to have this country run by China and continue to sell out all the hard work we have thrived and worked hard


This has no doubt been happening in many states across the union. Just look at the Republicans in the House. Only about a dozen have signed onto a letter DEMANDING an end to the unconstitutional incarceration of those at the Capital riot. Dozens have been in solitary confinement, so have been mistreated, some tortured, some have not been able to get their necessary medicine! Many have had NO CHARGES PLACES AGAINST THEM, HAVE NOT HAD A 'SPEEDY TRIAL' AND THEIR LEGAL REPRESENTATION HAS NOT BEEN ABLE TO GET ALL THE EVIDENCE - WHICH SHOWS THEY ARE ONLY GUILTY OF TRESSPASSING, NOTHING MORE - THAT THEY NEED FOR A DEFENSE!! WHERE ARE ALL THE REPUBLICAN IN CONGRESS??? WHY ARE THEY NOT ALL SPEAKING UP?? And this travesty is just one in many where so-called Republicans just "look the other way". SAVE OUR REPUBLIC and stop sitting on the fence - SACRIFICE!!!





Donna Manning

They are trying to charge some with Violent Entry when the videos and testimony prove they were waved in and told they could be there. They did NOTHING violent. And the affiants are claiming the House and Senate were IN SESSION when this happened but we know they had been evacuated because of the pipe bombs but EVERY statement I read said the same thing. Almost like a form letter until it gets to the parts about what the specific person in question did.

Daniel Bilodeau

Sum Ting Wong
Wi Tu Lo
Ho Li F*
Bing Dang Ow

Daniel Bilodeau

There can be no such thing as a loyal Marxist. Marxists owe allegiance to other Marxists.
On Marxism : it will never work, because it was never intended to work. It was sabotage.
Marx was a satanist with an appetite for destruction--Marxism destroys. This was his payoff.

"… Worlds I would destroy forever,
Since I can create no world;
Since my call they notice never …"

"Then I will be able to walk triumphantly,
Like a god, through the ruins of their kingdom.
Every word of mine is fire and action.
My breast is equal to that of the Creator."

"… I shall howl gigantic curses on mankind:
...If there is a something which devours,
I'll leap within it, though I bring the world to ruins-
The world which bulks between me and the Abyss
I will smash to pieces with my enduring curses.
I'll throw my arms around its harsh reality:
Embracing me, the world will dumbly pass away,
And then sink down to utter nothingness,
Perished, with no existence — that would be really living!"

Read the Mises Institute's "Marx's Path to Communism".
Also read "Marx : Prophet of Darkness".

Carlton Johnson

Great, informative, game-changing article


Who'da thought you could win a presidency using San Francisco Smash-n-Grab tactics, (smash truth and grab votes).


We are ALL going to have to do our due diligence in future elections in local areas when it comes to Republicans. I had a feeling this was going on but could not prove it. Thank you for doing the hard work and EXPOSING these evil doublecrossers. One thing for sure, it will not be us rotting if Hades for lying to people to gain power and turn a country into a cesspool of communists.

Lu Myser

Please unite with and let's put and end to this garbage, Together.

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe […]

[…] document on the Georgia Document published that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report on the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe […]

[…] report at the Georgia Record revealed that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State Raffensperger, his sidekick CFO Gabe Sterling, […]

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