• Trump Demands Raffensperger Decertify GA 2020 Election Due To Proven Fraud

    By Staff
    September 17, 2021

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    Former President Donald Trump today demanded GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger begin the process of decertifying the GA 2020 U.S. general election results due to proven fraud greater than the margin of victory.

    The statement Trump issued to Raffensperger is below:

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    Agent Orange has spoken

    Hahaha…..Trump demands????
    Well then I guess it will happen.

    Mary Calvo

    You sound like a true liberal sheep. Brainwashed by media and braindamaged by your shot.


    The Left's standard reply of "No" without investigation, hearing, or debate will lead to only one outcome, distrust and eventually force. To deny what now a majority of Americas - conservatives, independents, and liberals who believe the election was fraudulent, can only lead to greater discourse and division. Over 30% of Democrats believe the election was stolen, and nearly 70% of independents, there is more than enough evidence and demand to warrant decertification until the true results are determined. It is clear in Georgia via the evidence that the tallies in Fulton, DeKalb, Gwinnett, Chatham, and more, as seriously flawed and in all probability criminally fraudulent. Denial of the truth in the face of irrefutable evidence is dangerous.

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