• GA-10 Congressional Race Shows Importance Of Vetting Candidate Claims

    By Staff
    December 28, 2021

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    It has become vitally important after the 2020 election fraud disaster across the nation to ensure candidates are put in office who are working for the citizens they represent and their views on the issues, rather than some special interest, or even a foreign entity.

    To ensure this outcome, voters must look beyond what a candidate says, and what their actions have been in the past, or present which could point to how they will vote in the future.

    The Georgia Record will highlight inconsistencies we detect as we approach the 2020 cycle.

    Patrick Witt is running in the GA-10 primary race next summer, as an America First candidate. You can see his platform on his website here. The incumbent, Jody Hice, is running for GA Secretary of State against Brad Raffensperger, who enabled the massive fraud in Nov 2020 and the runoff in Jan 2021.

    Information has been brought to CDMedia which shows Witt may not be what he claims.

    First of all, voters should know Witt is a former staffer for Mitt Romney. If there is ever a politician that deserves the nickname, 'a well-oiled weathervane', Romney is it. This association does not bode well for confidence in what Witt says, as Romney is known for saying anything to gain power.

    Witt did work in the Trump administration for approximately five months; however, he is not registered with the GA Bar so did not conduct legal work in favor of Trump after the election.

    We also have information Witt lives in Dunwoody, GA, not in the 10th district.

    A December poll showed Witt with statistically zero support in the jurisdiction. The leader is Mike Collins who is polling above 25% in the primary contest. Paul Broun is second at 10%.

    Voters should also be aware Witt has an arrest record. He reportedly also had to withdraw from a Rhodes Scholorship application due to a sexual harassment allegation.

    While Witt has made claims that he has met with Trump, sources with knowledge of the situation say Witt has indeed never met with Trump.

    The Georgia Record has discussed above with multiple sources.

    CDMedia is being targeted and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!       



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    Joe Rumble

    So, when are you gonna report on Vernon Jones? A life long Democrat who has run for multiple offices is suddenly a Republican governor candidate?? Where does he stand relative to both Democrat and Republican platforms? What about his sexual misadventures? Is he a conservative or a sound bite candidate wanting the trappings of political power?


    Unfortunately, anyone running for anything anywhere is and should be suspect.

    Mad Celt

    This is Georgia! Republicans are a branch of the Democrat Party.

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