BREAKING: Georgia Supreme Court Reverses 'Lack Of Standing' In 2020 Election Case

December 20, 2022

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UPDATE 2130 EST - Update:  It has been confirmed that today's Supreme Court order also applies to the case of Garland Favorito et al. v. Alex Wan et al.  as both cases were originally dismissed under the same premise. 

UPDATE 1512 EST - Letters to preserve ballots going out immediately...

December 20, 2022 - Today, the Georgia Supreme Court granted a petition for certiorari, vacated the previous judgement and remanded the case of CAROLINE JEFFORDS et al. v. FULTON COUNTY et al.    The Court ordered that the lower Court of Appeals reconsider the case which was previously dismissed for lack of “standing.” 

This ruling potentially paves the way for a review of actual evidence brought forward in Jefford’s original complaint.   Lack of “standing” was cited in a number of cases brought forward as evidence of possible malfeasance mounted following the November 2020 election. 

Public concern has continued through the last two years as few Courts were willing to hear evidence.  Following the release of Dinesh DeSousa’s documentary “2000 Mules”, public awareness in Georgia and across the Country has broadened with renewed calls for election transparency and investigations. 

Today’s ruling may set the stage for further investigation into what actually occurred during November 2020. 

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Bill spent 25+ years managing businesses in the Information and Technology sector. His career includes positions with Philips Electronics, CompuCom, AT&T and IBM. Since 2019 he has been investigating and researching business, health and political issues in order to make truthful information available to the American people.
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Good news!



Stewart Finley

For two years liberals have said, "courts ruled no evidence" when lack of standing means no evidence was ever presented. Maybe now it finally will be. Every case thrown out for "lack of standing" should be reconsidered.


Revenge is a dish best served cold. Will those responsible for the election fraud of 2020 and 2022 be held to account WHEN a verdict is reached?
Why not a RICO indictment against the entire democrat party?


There are enough RICO cases forthcoming against the FBI via Twitter to fill the courts for awhile.

Zanna Stehle

Anybody who thinks Joe Biden actually won 81 million votes is delusional. You don’t hide in a basement and end up winning. The fraud has been uncovered, the gig is up. He stole 2020 and now he and his accomplices should go to prison!

Diana Hopper

NO. Not prison. They have committed a Coup D’Etat, an insurrection,Treason which according to our country’s law, the Constitution, it calls for the death penalty. Our tax dollars should NOT go to pay for their room and board to upkeep these evil traders. Their time is up. They have lied thousands of times to the American people weaponizing the FBI, CIA, DOJ, the MSM and stealing the taxpayers money to launder and fill their pockets for decades.


I did a Substack on this. The issue has been that none of the Conservative pundits explained in laymen's terms how the election fraud took place. That's what's allowed the MSM and leftist pundits to keep saying, "Conspiracy theory."

Once people know how the fraud works, they understand that it is real, and not a "theory."

Joe Smith

Have you heard anymore about the Georgia case in which the 'lack of standing' was reversed one year ago this month? Have they won or lost their case?


This is absolutely huge. Far bigger than the Kari Lake lawsuit. The Regime will seriously panic now.


In 2020 they didn't use just one method of fraud, they used everything, they had to to beat President Trump - ballot harvesting, stealing ballots, voting machines switching votes, etc. They didn't have enough fraud votes in 2016 for Hillary to win so they went overboard in 2020. Just remember what they were saying about Hillary winning in 2016. Basically hey were saying it was "in the bag". That's why they were so surprised when Trump won, they thought they had it all sewn up.

F. J. B.

Corrupt politicians should be hung for there treason most are DEMONRATS but McCarthy. McConnell Romney graham should also see the gallows there complicity is a big part of areAmerican destruction an Don t forget obozo an Clinton’s holder


So After the mandatory 22 month hold of election data, that has now been scrubbed for the 2022 elections they decide to investigate? The horse is gone! You might as well burn the barn to the ground!!! If Arizona is allowed to be confirmed All Americans must RIOT and a Total work stoppage until satisfaction is reached or the United States of America is toast!!!!!!


With the courts rule that fraud was real, Biden and Harris spills be impeached and charged with treason.


Look, I get it. I'm angry enough to blow $#*! up. But violence, and instigating violence is not the way. We have the right to peaceably assemble. So we hit the streets in every town and every county, ESPECIALLY large municipalities, and clog the traffic so bad that they have to shut down the city. No violence is needed. If police attack you for being there, they are violating your right to peaceable assembly, and can be sued to kingdom come. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that you have to have a permit to assemble. Where is the Constitutional amendment that says otherwise? There isn't one. As long as nobody is being violent, they can't make you leave.


You aren't hurting the people that caused the damage, you're hurting the people that were damaged

kyril wickenberg

Critics believe that the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop information by the FBI, Big Tech, MSM and the Dems was enough to sway the 2020 election in favor of his father Joe Biden.

[…] The Georgia Record was the first to report on this huge ruling: […]


Democrats are too smart by half. They act like 70's tv villains. They commit some super crime, stealing an election, then stand there and admit in fine detail how they did it. I've seen this on Columbo. I wouldn't mind seeing that again.

Carl Swensson

We've been here so many times that it's difficult to get excited about this ruling. However, it is positive news at a time we haven't had any. Let's give Garland and the other plaintiff's there due. This ruling is long overdue and let's hope justice will rule the day and evidence will finally see the light of day. Having lost all confidence in our courts and justice in general I believe a miracle win in court like this can propel Patriots to reinvest their emotions enough to follow and support this action once again. Pray for these fellow Patriots success.if possible it would be great if
The followers of this action would show up at the hearings and show all involved support and encouragement so well deserved.


There is such a pervasive corruption in our government and media now that it will take each American Patriot standing up and taking their place in the fight for freedom.


We have as a country had a public display of punishing criminals for a long time, this should be a teaching lesson for all would be treasonous people, hang them high in the public square and televise. In the older days, it was stoning on the spot, became civil, to televise executions. These are always the same people, lying to America and wasting our tax dollar by theft and laundry. Agencies populated with them need to bee removed, and cleaned out, DOJ,FBI, CIA, NSA, DOS, IRS, CDC,NIH, OPM, to name just a few, for the public square hanging, HRC, COMEY, RICE, JARRETT, Biden, OBAMA, GATES, anyone in the cover ups of their agency illegalities/wrong doings or forcing unconstitutional edicts. wake thee people up with ruthful facts, and punishments [ FATHERS/MOTHERS USE DISCIPLINE TO TRAIN THEIR CHILDREN normally at first it's very light don't do it again, slap on the wrist, by the second and third time its more stiff, but never so much as to harms kids. However, adults like pencil neck, needs harsh punishment to deter others of doing the same. HRC said it takes a village, PEOPLE we are now, that village TO TEACH THE LIARS A LEESSON, THY SPENT MILLIONS OF YOUR DOLLAR MAKING FAKE CHARGES and weaponing agencies against us. Time to pull the plug and for good.

Joe Smith

Have you heard anymore about the Georgia case in which the 'lack of standing' was reversed one year ago this month? Have they won or lost their case?


We have as a country not had a public display of punishing criminals for a long time, this should be a teaching lesson for all would be treasonous people, hang them high in the public square and televise. In the older days, it was stoning on the spot, became civil, to televise executions. These are always the same people, lying to America and wasting our tax dollar by theft and laundry. Agencies populated with them need to bee removed, and cleaned out, DOJ,FBI, CIA, NSA, DOS, IRS, CDC,NIH, OPM, to name just a few, for the public square hanging, HRC, COMEY, RICE, JARRETT, Biden, OBAMA, GATES, anyone in the cover ups of their agency illegalities/wrong doings or forcing unconstitutional edicts. wake thee people up with ruthful facts, and punishments [ FATHERS/MOTHERS USE DISCIPLINE TO TRAIN THEIR CHILDREN normally at first it's very light don't do it again, slap on the wrist, by the second and third time its more stiff, but never so much as to harms kids. However, adults like pencil neck, needs harsh punishment to deter others of doing the same. HRC said it takes a village, PEOPLE we are now, that village TO TEACH THE LIARS A LEESSON, THY SPENT MILLIONS OF YOUR DOLLAR MAKING FAKE CHARGES and weaponing agencies against us. Time to pull the plug and for good.


We have as a country not had a public display of punishing criminals for a long time, this should be a teaching lesson for all would be treasonous people, hang them high in the public square and televise. In the older days, it was stoning on the spot, became civil, to televise executions. These are always the same people, lying to America and wasting our tax dollar by theft and laundry. Agencies populated with them need to be removed, and cleaned out, DOJ,FBI, CIA, NSA, DOS, IRS, CDC,NIH, OPM, to name just a few, for the public square hanging, HRC, COMEY, RICE, JARRETT, Biden, OBAMA, GATES, anyone in the cover ups of their agency illegalities/wrong doings or forcing unconstitutional edicts. Wake the people up with truthful facts, and punishments [ FATHERS/MOTHERS USE DISCIPLINE TO TRAIN THEIR CHILDREN normally at first it's very light don't do it again, slap on the wrist, by the second and third time its more stiff, but never so much as to harms kids. However, adults like pencil neck, needs harsh punishment to deter others of doing the same. HRC said it takes a village, PEOPLE we are now, that village TO TEACH THE LIARS A LEESSON, THY SPENT MILLIONS OF YOUR DOLLAR MAKING FAKE CHARGES and weaponing agencies against us. Time to pull the plug and for good.



Waiting for the phone to ring

Don't get my hopes up

jimena smith

sadly none of the comments mentioned the critical point that few seem to understand : TIMELINESS. This case should have been adjudicated by the Georgia supreme court within a week of receipt - NOT TWO YEARS AFTER THE FACT. As it is this late, its still just a marxist-globalist democrat-party stolen election and a political farse. The democrat-rino crooks and wef-billionaire cabal are in full control.

Subotai Bahadur

1) Letters today notwithstanding, we can be assured that any evidence not destroyed already will be destroyed very shortly.

2) With every procedural delay possible invoked, with the help of the regime to do so, if the cases do come to trial, they will not be completed until just before, and probably after any putative elections in 2024.

3) If the 2020 election is somehow ruled to be stolen, the response by the regime will be to say a) "Oops". and b) "So what, Biden's term and two sessions of a just as illegally elected Congress are over. What are you going to do about it?".

[…] BREAKING: Georgia Supreme Court Reverses ‘Lack Of Standing’ In 2020 Election Case […]


@Orge If you could not find the hundreds of 2020 articles about the stolen election, you did not do a very good search. I read literally hundreds of articles, complete with tons of admissible evidence. The media lied when they claimed, just like they lied when they said the 2020 and 2022 elections were without voter fraud. Maybe, but I doubt that, the Kari Lake lawsuit will be tried on the up and up. Even a reasonably bright high school student could look at election day results from Maricopa County and see they could not be accurate. Every affidavit is a piece of evidence. Every statistical analysis is a piece of evidence. Every election machine connected to the internet unlawfully is a piece of evidence and many more types that were presented, but every court avoided with a process claim. SCOTUS even turned down the case where Texas sued Pensylvaina, a case where only the SCOTUS had jurisdiction, and they punted. Election fraud will continue until courts stop ducking the problem and start hearing cases and cheaters starting going to jail, that is if we survive as a Constitutional Republic and that is not a sure thing.

michael mccarthy

Based on the fiction 2000 Mules? Hahahahaa!!!! Good luck with that.


We must all support the Supreme Court Justices to rule in favor of the Brunson case. Hopefully they're not blackmailed or bought out.
This country could be completely fixed within months. There courageous,
righteous decision will be talked about for centuries!



Froggly Fifty




Richard Rotenberry

As a honest TAXPAYING American Voter. I have Lost confidence in our nations legal system. The Socialists are cramming Lies down the throats of honest Americans in order to " Achieve Their Goals of Corruption".!! after 2 years of this Biden Socislism ' it is so obvious that the American Democratic Liberal Socialist Party can only win a election by "Fraud". I remember around 2015 hearing the Communist Barack Obama say that the Democrats would Win Most of future elections because He Had It Fixed. Between the Crooked Voting Machines' and his Corrupt Liberal Judge Appointments, He had put in place a lineup of Corruption events that would insure that Conservative Candidates would lag behind the Liberal Socialists. Obama taught the ways of Socislism to his feeble Vice President " Joseph Biden", and during their 2and term, Biden began to use his Powers and his son and brother to began their ruthless attack on our Constitution. "" And it's Working to This Day"".!! If Conservatives Do Not Wake Up, We will lose More , and More of our Freedoms and Rights as Honest Americans in the NEXT 2 YEARS..( I SUGGEST THAT ALL AMERICANS READ UP ON THE "" NEW WORLD ORDER AGENDA"".! BECAUSE THIS EVIL PLAN IS ON JOE BIDENS PLATE.)

[…] Georgia Supreme Court Reverses ‘Lack Of Standing' In 2020 Election Case […]

Joe Smith

It's now one year later since this news came out about the Georgia Supreme Court reversal of the 'lack of standing' in the 2020 election case. What has become of it?? Does ANYBODY know?? Is the case still going on? Or is it just another let down for us Conservatives?

Last edited 1 year ago by Joe Smith
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