Brian Kemp Is Hiding Something In Georgia

September 1, 2021

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GA Gubernatorial Candidate Vernon Jones says GA Governor Kemp is afraid of a full forensic audit.

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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.
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You don't have someone put a bomb in your daughters vehicle without being involved in some serious crime syndicate?


No, you just have to be a serious inconvenience to the established political machine.

Doreen R Hutchins

Darwin, you are 100% over the target. I suspect it's likely CCP or CLA money.


It's plain that Democrats stole the election. You'd have to be literally insane to believe their propaganda in the face of the overt moves they make in every state to keep the truth hidden--and they even have Republican help doing so. But it's just as plain that NOTHING will be done to fix the problem of election theft, to rectify the corrupt results, or to punish the people behind this staggering criminal endeavor. So...? Isn't all this discussion and hand-wringing just academic?


Kemp had been involved in human trafficking for years. I started volunteering in 1999 with educational resources for corporations and businesses in Atlanta on human trafficking. I went around with a group of volunteers educating companies on signs of human trafficking, how to identify victims etc...
In 1999 GA was 13 out of 50 states, as having the most human trafficking. Unfortunately, by mid 2012 GA had moved to #10. Once Kemp was elected, GA went from #10 to a close #2. By 2019 GA was running close to #1.

Kemp signed over the port in Savanah to Evergreen, it is even named Evergreen Port. Human trafficking increased from #10 to tie for # 1 in Kemp's 1st 2 years.

He is so deep in China's pockets, allowing the kidnapping of children & women to be sold into sex slavery and men to be sold into agricultural slavery.

After calling him & Raffensburger out on Social Media for the increase of human trafficking, I got blocked from their public office accounts and ultimately removed from all social media the same day Trump was removed from Twitter.

They don't block you, delete you from all social media for NOTHING. If my Information was wrong, why wouldn't they just prove it? They can't disprove what I have said. If I was wrong, why not sue me for liable and slander?

I am NOT wrong. I worked in this far too many years, I know 100% that KEMP & Raffensburger are paid off to allow trafficking throughout the state of GA. Kemp even stopped a lot of the trafficking task force operations, for over a year.

Why was his daughter's boyfriend blown up? .The timing of that correlates with TRUMP gaining control of the Port in Savanah and having the military take control again of our ports across the USA.

Facts don't lie. It was a direct threat to Kemp, regarding the loss of control over the port.

Vespi Die

Another interesting fact that has coincided with the Kemp regime and plandemic is the fact that the Capitol now looks like a prison yard with the addition of 10’ permanent fencing surrounding it. A reasonable person would ask why a true Republican governor would be a proponent of such a defiant symbol of anti-freedom.

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