Brumbelow & Nesbit Traffic Light Complete

September 17, 2014

Nesbit Traffic Light Update! During the Sept 8th City Council Work Session, Tom Black, Director of Public Works presented a live camera feed of the new Traffic Streetlight at the intersection of Brumbelow and Nesbit Ferry Road.

Cheers were heard around the conference room as staff and the City Council had a chance to see the streetlight working after months of construction and drama from last year's City Council over the fine details of implementation.

In 2013, the Former Council members hastily stopped the project with a majority vote. Mayor Bodker and Councilwoman Kelly Stewart voted in opposition, wanting to continue to work with the City of Roswell to complete the streetlight.

The issue became a sticking point in the 2013 fall election, with Mayor Bodker, Councilwoman Kelly Stewart and the then-candidates, now Councilman Lenny Zaprowski & Councilwoman Cori Davenport vowing to put Public Safety ahead of petty politics.

These traffic safety improvements are an achievement of the new City Council who campaigned on working together for the betterment of the citizens and with our Sister Cities on common interests.

The new Nesbit Traffic Light flashed yellow to notify drivers of its existence for a few days and went fully functional on Thursday, Sept 11th, 2014. 






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