• REPORT: Cox Media Group Caught Pitching 'Active Listening' Via Online Devices To Big Tech

    September 5, 2024
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    Users of the internet have long suspected that devices are listening to their conversations, then serving advertisements on these devices matching their consumer tastes and needs.

    Now, Atlanta's own Cox Media Group has been reportedly caught pitching this exact thing to big-tech companies.

    So, in unison, say it with me... WTF?

    Corporate bad behavior has gone off the rails and much of it sits right here in Georgia.

    Why is that?

    Is there something in the Chattahoochee water?

    Media conglomerate Cox Media Group has been pitching tech companies on a new targeted advertising tool that uses audio recordings culled from smart home devices. The existence of this program was revealed late last year. Now, however, 404 Media has also gotten its hands on additional details about the program through a leaked pitch deck. The contents of the deck are creepy, to say the least, reported Gizmodo.

    Cox’s tool is creepily called “Active Listening” and the deck claims that it works by using smart devices, which can “capture real-time intent data by listening to our conversations.” After the data is captured, advertisers can “pair this voice-data with behavioral data to target in-market consumers,” the deck says. The vague use of artificial intelligence to collect data about consumers’ online behavior is also mentioned, with the deck noting that consumers “leave a data trail based on their conversations and online behavior” and that the AI-fueled tool can collect and analyze said “behavioral and voice data from 470+ sources.”

    The pitch deck also claims that Cox currently partners with major tech platforms, including Google, Amazon, and Facebook. “WE PARTNER WITH THE BEST TO PROVIDE THE BEST,” the deck states, showcasing affiliations with the major tech companies. While Cox may partner with those companies in some capacity, it’s not clear that any of the companies have partnered with it in regards to this particular advertising tool.

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    L Todd Wood

    L. Todd Wood is the CEO of Creative Destruction Media. He's also been a longtime national security columnist for the Washington Times, and other large publications. Visit LToddWood.com.

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    Time to drop Cox as my internet provider! I'd sue their ass if I could get a claSS ACTION SUIT GOING

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