2015 City Council Voter Guide

October 30, 2015

voter_guide2015 City Council Voter Guide - Let's improve Johns Creek Voting Record!

Did you know Johns Creek is one of the wealthiest and smartest Cities in the USA, yet has one of the worst voter turnouts? Go Vote!

Post 2:

Specific Topics Candidates Answered:




Post 5:

Post 6:

Note: Our current City Council voted back in January 2015, not to hold the Special Election. Thus on the Ballot is Post 2 twice.

The Special Election 'Stub Term' is from the Nov 9th (stipulation of no run-off), otherwise Dec 14th thru Dec 31th 2015. Arun Misra & Patty Hansen are running exclusively for the stub term.

The Post 2 General Election, term starts Jan 11th thru Dec 31th 2019. Todd Burkhalter, Chris Coughlin & Jay Lin are running for the 4-year term.

Chris Coughlin & Todd Burkhalter are running for both the stub term and general election.

Master the Dysfunctional Ballot!


Find your polling location (click thru & type in your address)

The Importance of Post 2 Special Election: 

Post 2 Stub Term will vote on the Controversial Behemoth Apartment Complex at the Corner of Bell Rd & 141.

If there is a run-off, the City will again go without Full Representation for another month and miss out on the opportunity for full 7 member vote on an important zoning case.

Be sure to share this 2015 City Council Voter Guide!



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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.
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This is great. Thank you ?

Chris Baum

You do realize you have a grammatical error in question #2

Carole Madan

I really appreciate the insight you have provided on the upcoming election. Thank you so much Momma Nature Carole Madan


It concerns me greatly that Jay Lin and Nazeera Dawood have the same campaign manager. It also concerns me greatly that both of these candidates have had *significant* percentages of their campaign donations coming from outside our city, and also from several developers.

Don't Be Fooled

Todd Burkhalter also has an enormous amount of his contributions coming from Real Estate developers. In fact, the owner of the huge apartment complex that he claims he opposes donated $750 to his campaign. Hmmm. He's not fooling me. I pray he doesn't fool anyone else, either. Additionally, the vast majority of Burkhalters contributions come from outside our city as well. Don't trust this guy.


Thank you Johns Creek Post for this excellent guide.

  • magnifiermenu