Dean Gardens Rezoning: The Truth from City Hall, Who's Responsible?

October 15, 2017

Dean Gardens Rezoning: Who's Responsible? There are a LOT of rumors about Dean Gardens floating around the creek, mostly centered on trying to discredit the Johns Creek Post, and our articles written about the sad demise of the once Jewel of Johns Creek.

In an effort to reaffirm the truth within our posts regarding what happened, below is a video with the AUDIO from the Rezoning hearing.

Besides the Developer attorney, only 1 person, Irene Sanders, advocated in favor for the rezoning.

5 Residents spoke in opposition and ran out of time. More residents were in the audience, eager to speak against the proposal.

Yes! There was a bizarre bathroom break, in the middle of the hearing.

Who made the motion to approve the rezoning for 70 houses?!

Lenny Zaprowski.

Here is the City Council Minutes from the Dean Gardens Rezoning Hearing.
City Council Meeting Minutes for April 21, 2014

Source: City of Johns Creek



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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.
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Suzi Krizan

Lenny Zaprowski : Your comments, please. Even Brad R voted against this.

Christine Corrigan

I drive by Dean Gardens quite often and i cannot bring myself to even look at it as I pass by. What a debacle! So sad.

It is interesting that Ms. Sanders after she supported the Mayor and the Developers, was appointed by Mayor Bodker to both the Planning Commission and the CAC for the Comprehensive Plan Draft. Still trying to understand why you would support a development over a park when you live next door to it.

Mayor Bodker only appoints those residents who are in total agreement with him and in this case, the Developers.

Great Decision, NOT!


Vote Lenny out!
He is not Mr independent

Vote for Issure Yang, Post 1
Ethical, responsible, concerned Mother and homeowner!



We're voting for Issure Yang in the upcoming election.
But if I ever had any doubts about who to vote for, this video makes is abundantly clear. We desperately need new leadership.

What a missed opportunity for the citizens of Johns Creek. The Dean Gardens land COULD have been the highlight of our city. Instead there are a handful of houses in a development that tanked.


Voting for Issure and Alex M . You should too, before Bodker destroys this city of ours.


So sad!!!!!
It took over one year to get 7 acres rezoned at ugly water towers!!!!
So happy to be out of Johns Creek!!!

20 year resident

Dean Gardens had So much potential and Could have been the Exception JC claims to be. What a mess....


Thanks JCP for shedding light on the truth regarding another one of our government's backroom deals that favors enriching developers off of the backs of JC's taxpayers.

Also, thanks for highlighting another example of Lenny's recurring contradictions. Lenny is a "victim" of his own contradictions and it's a shame that he's always trying to blame others for his responsibilities.


There are several reasons Dean Gardens should have NEVER been rezoned and any threats of a lawsuit would have been dismissed if Mayor Bodker, Cori Davenport & Lenny Zaprowski followed the Steinberg Act criteria.

(1) Whether the zoning proposal will permit a use that is suitable in view of the use and development of adjacent and nearby property; (2) Whether the zoning proposal will adversely affect the existing use or usability of adjacent or nearby property;

Yes allowing Lennar to develop 70 houses would negatively impact adjacent area. DG was zoned for just 3 houses, because when Thornhill was developed, much of the impervious surface was transferred from DG to Thornhill, to allow for the large subdivision. This is why the land is so vulnerable in the area and much of it is unbuildable.

(3) Whether the property to be affected by the zoning proposal has a
reasonable economic use as currently zoned;

Yes, it had excellent economic use remaining riverfront pastoral land, for a handful of estates, gardens or park.

(4) Whether the zoning proposal will result in a use which will or could cause an excessive or burdensome use of existing streets, transportation facilities, utilities, or schools;

Absolutely. Wish our Mayor and Council followed this law the past 11 years. Traffic is already a challenge and schools are overcrowded.

(5) If the local government has an adopted land use plan, whether the
zoning proposal is in conformity with the policy and intent of the land
use plan; and (6) Whether there are other existing or changing conditions affecting the use and development of the property which give supporting grounds for either approval or disapproval of the zoning proposal

Yes, the allowed over-development of Thornhill impeded the quality of land in Dean Gardens, which would support denying the application.

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