Dekalb Again Tied To "Curious" Election Decisions

April 25, 2023

Julietta Henry, Deputy Director, Board of Registration & Elections, Dekalb County, is listed as an advisory board member of CEIR's ELODN project. Advisory board members are due to attend the secretive "Summit on American Democracy", in early May.

Image ELODN.ORG/about/

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Dekalb's Board of Elections gained national attention last year when it was discovered they were considering engaging in a contract with Konnech, a Michigan-based company which was reportedly passing personal identifying information on election workers to contractors in mainland China.

Despite pleas from the public and their own poll workers, Dekalb chose to plow ahead, ignoring the fact that a number of other Counties and Cities had already terminated their contracts with Konnech. Since that time a former employee turned whistleblower has filed suit against Konnech and filed affidavits showing the concerns about data being sent to China appear well-founded.

Henry's involvement in the secretive Washington meeting is concerning, as the host, the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) is documented as being a SOROS-tied advocacy group that provides grants and conducts research to increase Democrat voter turnout in swing states. David Becker created CEIR in 2016 in response to President Trump’s election, which Becker claims was the result of “foreign interference”.

Becker’s upcoming summit has an invite-only hidden guest list, and a Speaker list and agenda that currently features six Secretary of States (NV RI, CO, GA,NM, NJ), Major Garrett, CBS New’s Chief Washington correspondent, Sarah Longwell, Publisher of The Bulwark, an American anti-Trump conservative news and opinion website, and Ben Ginsburg, the Co-Chair of the Election Official Legal Defense Network (EOLDN).

One wonders what the ramifications may be, should it be found that Dekalb's Board of Elections, their Election Director, Keisha Smith and/or Deputy Director Julietta Henry, facilitated decisions or actions leading to inappropriate access to personal information of their poll workers or others.

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We're going to stand by and let the Democrats steal 2024, too.

[…] Dekalb Again Tied To “Curious” Election DecisionsDekalb’s Board of Elections gained national attention last year when it was discovered they were considering engaging in a contract with Konnech, a Michigan-based company which was reportedly passing personal identifying information on election workers to contractors in mainland China. […]

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