Did Cherokee Co. Election Attorney Repeatedly Lie To Board Before Audit Vote?

August 2, 2022

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GA EIection Series #20

On Monday August 1st, The Cherokee County Board of Elections met in Canton, Georgia to consider a non-partisan request by the Republican county chairman to audit the Governor and Secretary of State's (SOS) race from the 2022 primary. Over 200 people filled the new Bluffs Parkway auditorium to capacity. The vast majority of those there supported the audit of those controversial Republican primary races. The board and Elections Director Ann Dover previously conducted an audit of the 2022 runoff and have been more supportive of election transparency than most other Georgia counties.

Cherokee residents had lobbied hard for the audit and were hopeful a motion to conduct it would pass. However, attorney Ann Brumbaugh was allowed to make a variety of false and intimidating statements in a six minute attack on the very board that employs her. Brumbaugh, who formerly worked for the SOS office and State Election Board is now under contract to the Cherokee County board. After her attack, the board voted 3-1 for a motion made by Rachael Kinsey to deny the audit. Only board member Mike Byrd opposed the motion.

We are providing the audio of Brumbaugh's comments so you can make your our own decision but we have found twelve false or deceptive statements that intimidated the board into voting against an audit.

These statements with an explanation of their deceptive nature are:

1. "You have no unsealed ballots to vote on" - The board was voting to submit a court order to make sealed ballots public, not to vote on unsealed ballots.

2. "This is going to become a contested case" - Brumbaugh has no way to know that unsealing the ballots may become contested unless she has inside information on corrupt plans and activities to block election transparency in Cherokee County.

3. "We are in active litigation and therefore, you cannot audit those ballots" - The board can vote to request a court order to unseal ballots and then conduct an audit whether or not there is active litigation, which is irrelevant.

4. "The SOS office has tremendous power over this body (Cherokee board of elections)" - Georgia counties are legally responsible for county election results, not the SOS. The SOS office has no power over a superior court order to unseal ballots.

5. "They [SOS office] have the power to assess $5,000 per ballot fines" - The State Election Board only has power to assess a $5,000 fine for a violation of law and has no power to assess fines to those obeying a court order to unseal ballots so that an audit can be conducted.

6. "If they find that this body committed too many violations in too short of time you all can be gone and the SOS office and the SEB can put a single person in to run elections in Cherokee County" - Voting to request a court order to unseal ballots and conduct an audit does not violate Georgia election law. Fulton County is still operating their elections despite several violations of Georgia election law.

7. "There were no significant problems. The machines worked." - A hand count of the DeKalb District 2 Commission 2022 primary proved that candidate Michelle Long Spears was shorted over 3,000 votes, candidate Marshall Orson was credited with over 1,400 votes he did not actually receive, the voting system failed to count over 1,800 votes and the system selected the wrong winners. In Fulton County the voting system initially credited withdrawn candidate Linda Arnold with 3,317 votes even though her name was never printed on any Fulton ballot!

8. "There is an absence of factual basis to conduct an additional audit". The voting system failures described above in DeKalb and Fulton counties form a factual basis to conduct an audit. In addition, audit monitors in Cobb County found that the system may have added 15% more votes to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's totals than what he actually received. That is one of the two races the board was requested to audit.

9. "There has been no allegations that those machines stopped working on May 24" - On the contrary, the pending litigation that Brumbaugh referenced contains the exact allegations that the machines did not work correctly as mentioned above. She had to know that since she referenced it.

10. "There is no point to audit ballots that have already been audited"- No Election Day or mail-in ballots were ever audited for the Cherokee County 2022 Primary. Only the in-person selection summaries from the Oak Grove advance voting location were audited. That is why the audit is needed.

11. "There is no reason to conduct an additional audit" - Secretary Raffensperger purchased an unverifiable QR coded voting system against the will of many Georgians and the U.S. District Court subsequently ruled on Oct. 11, 2020 the system violates two Georgia laws. The secretary appealed the decision and continued to use the system for the 2022 primaries. After Open Records Requests (ORR) were filed for ballot copies on the May 24, 2022 election night, his office falsely threatened counties to prevent them from fulfilling those ORRs. He then certified results of his own election that vastly exceeded his poll projections. The voting system gave him 51% of the vote when he had only polled between 18 and 39%. Those coupled with the voting system failure are reasons to conduct an audit on the SOS race. Voters must have a complete, honest, transparent election to re-establish their trust in the system.

12. "There are significant legal risks to this board should they go forward with this audit" - There is actually more risk in not going forward with the audit since litigation has been filed against the county to unseal the ballots just exactly as the Cherokee Couty Elections Board was trying to do on its own. If the audit is conducted, it resolved pending litigation.

Brumbaugh, a Democrat from DeKalb County and former Obama campaign contributor, was hired by the Republican majority Cherokee County Election board and paid in part with "Zuckerbucks" funded by the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL). The movie Rigged 2020 documents how Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan spent $330 million to create CTCL and essentially rig the 2020 election. They hired CTCL policy director David Plouff, a former Obama campaign manager who authored the book entitled: "A Citizens Guide to Beating Donald Trump". Their money bribed counties to accept partisan "get out the vote" efforts, drop boxes for ballot harvesters and technical resources to control election systems. If counties did not comply they were obligated to return any money accepted. Now we know that the same money was also used to partly fund a Georgia attorney who is covering up another potentially rigged Georgia election.

On Monday, Brumbaugh violated her oath of office to "honestly, justly and uprightly conduct myself", She also appears to have clearly violated State Bar Rules 3.3 (a) that require her to not "knowingly make a false statement of fact to a tribunal, not "knowingly fail to disclose a material fact to the tribunal" and not "To be directly adverse to the position of the client".

So here is our message to the Cherokee County Election Board: When an election attorney makes a dozen false or misleading public statements in six minutes to intimidate the board into defying the will of the people it is time for a new election attorney who can better represent the people of Cherokee County in an honest, just and upright manner that is not adverse to their interests.



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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.
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This sounds like a lot of nonsense to me. They can't win if they don't cheat and it's obvious if you are so scared of an audit and lie, then you have got to be afraid of what an audit would show. Time to run these cheaters right out of town. If she is a lawyer I would be surprised. She sounds like a lawyer from a 5 and dime. How embarrassed to have this one as a daughter


Good Heavens. We all know that women shouldn’t be lawyers and this is a PRIME example.

She should be drawn and quartered.


Democrats and RINOs are on the "correct" side of the political landscape, and so are allowed to lie, cheat, and steal (and worse) to run circles around good-hearted, patriotic Americans.

Fed up

who at Cherokee Elections hired her or recommended her?


Time to report her to the Bar


Keep up the pressure on this sleezzy crook who can't live up to her oath!

Teresa Havens

The election integrity attorney needs to be disbarred for lying to this board repeatedly in just 6 minutes. Fire her and any monies paid by taxpayers to bring about the fair election results of all the candidates needs to be her fine in addition to jail time.


The BOE needs to reconvene and let the audit proceed and the BOC needs to abandon the "machines" and go back to holding elections on paper with no need for any machines!


12 . 12 . "Cherokee Co Elections Attorney Ann Brambo is a scammer! And this is the main point !



Georgia state bar use your fingers n file a complaint use this doc as your template

Gary Chaffee

She did lie and needs to spend alot of time in prison.

Gary Chaffee

Why would the Cherokee County BOE hire an Obama contributor and democrat from Dekalb County???

Francis Nadspal

Why would a Republican controlled Board hire a Dekalb Democrat attorney to represent them?? ho put this shyster up for nomination??

Monte Bores

Well,I hope we-the-people get to vote on the final policy of guidelines for future elections that they come up with. I certainly don't expect it to be a bit more voter friendly than the BOE members were to us during that meeting.

Richard Jordan

Mike Byrd was responsible for hiring the Dekalb County Democrat Attorney. As a long time friend (former friend) I ask Mike why and who recruited her to represent the people of Cherokee County. He stated, “we knew she was highly qualified as the best attorney to protect the BOE in Election Integrity issues” Ann Dover stated that, “the attorney was hired because we had a public input comment from a lone elector who stated he could sue the BOE.” So, they “lawyered up” to protect themselves. Ann Dover stated that she just wants to get through the next few years before retiring so she can receive her full pension benefit compensation. Why not purpose to represent the Electors to ensure integrity!


To anyone who has read SB202, it is obvious that Brumbaugh's comments were astonishingly misleading and without merit.

Secretary of State no longer is a participating member of the State Election Board, he is an ex efficio, nonvoting member so it is not him who can order fines or removals. Upon the request of the SBOE, the SOS will participate in investigations.

The Cherokee BOE has done nothing that would prompt a fine or removal of the board as they must have, violated State Board Regulations and rules for at least two elections within a two-year period, demonstrated nonfeasance, malfeasance, or gross negligence in the administration of the elections.

Requesting the unsealing of ballots to perform an audit of the sealed paper ballots isn't a crime, nor does it go against rules or regulations. If the County Elections board can't ask a judge to unseal the ballots, in order to verify an election, who can? Brumbaugh's legal position on the usealing of the ballots was pure idiocy!


I hope all other counties in GA keep all these points in mind and do the right thing...allow a hand count of the ballots. Hopefully they'll see through all the lies made by this attorney.

Susan W.

So what happens now? The Chairman of the CCRP says it's over, sit down and shut up and vote for the R nominees in November. I won't be renewing my party membership again.

Trevor Waltho

Enough of this complaining, someone go after her bond or the board of election bond and sue them! Don't take this crap any more. THEY ARE STILLING OUR COUNTRY AND FREEDOMS. These attorneys are no better then used car salesman!!


They let someone scare them into not doing their rightful duty?don't they of all people know the rules and regulations of their own jobs?this is crap!


Consider why this Republican county BOE hired her. It was all for show. As was the risk limiting audit. Why the show? Who is hiding what?

Tom Lyle

The contest cites evidence collected from a VoterGA monitoring team during a June 6 Cobb Co. hand count
audit. The team monitored most Election Day ballots in the Vinings 04 precinct and found Raffensperger
received about 53% of the Republican Election Day SOS votes while the Dominion voting system awarded
him 68.4% of those votes. Thus, the Dominion software attributed about 15% more votes to Raffensperger’s
electronic totals than the actual paper ballots seem to show. Since county tabulators are prepped centrally
under the jurisdiction of the SOS office and vulnerable to a single point of attack, there is a significant risk
that all tabulators statewide awarded extra votes to Raffensperger which helped him avoid an expected runoff.

CISA has kept under wraps for almost a year a report from University of Michigan computer scientist J. Alex Halderman claiming the Dominion ImageCastX has vulnerabilities that could be exploited. The report was sealed by Federal Judge Amy Totenberg in the Curling v. Raffensperger case that has been ongoing since 2019.

ZUCKER BUCKS NOTICE GEORGIA NUMBER 1 45 Million Dollars. Who in Georgia took that 45 Million? Where is the investigation into this ?

Total CTCL Grants by State
State Total CTCL Grants Population (2020) Per Capita
GA 45,013,990 $ 10,711,908 $ 4.20
TX 38,621,136 $ 29,145,505 $ 1.33
NY 25,811,323 $ 19,835,913 $ 1.30
PA 25,011,085 $ 13,002,700 $ 1.92
CA 21,800,648 $ 39,538,223 $ 0.55
NJ 21,340,276 $ 9,288,994 $ 2.30
MI 16,862,654 $ 10,077,331 $ 1.67
FL 16,040,950 $ 21,538,187 $ 0.74
WI 10,108,644 $ 5,893,718 $ 1.72
OH 7,518,652 $ 11,799,448 $ 0.64
NC 7,188,264 $ 10,439,388 $ 0.69
MN 7,169,406 $ 5,707,390 $ 1.26
KY 7,114,078 $ 4,505,394 $ 1.58
MO 6,802,914 $ 6,154,913 $ 1.11
MD 6,195,787 $ 6,177,224 $ 1.00
IL 5,646,844 $ 12,812,508 $ 0.44
SC 5,373,219 $ 5,118,425 $ 1.05
AZ 5,169,724 $ 7,151,502 $ 0.72
IA 4,436,775 $ 3,190,369 $ 1.39
VA $ 3,733,823 8,631,393 $ 0.43
MS 3,703,777 $ 2,961,279 $ 1.25
NM 3,263,077 $ 2,117,522 $ 1.54
MA 2,923,321 $ 7,029,917 $ 0.42
WA 2,849,931 $ 7,705,281 $ 0.37
NV 2,671,515 $ 3,104,614 $ 0.86
ME 2,573,157 $ 1,362,359 $ 1.89
OK 2,490,055 $ 3,959,353 $ 0.63
AL $ 2,451,843 5,024,279 $ 0.49
KS 2,230,628 $ 2,937,880 $ 0.76
MT 2,096,878 $ 1,084,225 $ 1.93
IN 2,043,365 $ 6,785,528 $ 0.30
CT 1,871,932 $ 3,605,944 $ 0.52
OR 1,572,146 $ 4,237,256 $ 0.37
AR 1,306,012 $ 3,011,524 $ 0.43
LA 1,128,000 $ 4,657,757 $ 0.24
CO 748,724 $ 5,773,714 $ 0.13
ID 712,289 $ 1,839,106 $ 0.39
DC 617,613 $ 689,545 $ 0.90
RI 581,865 $ 1,097,379 $ 0.53
HI 490,985 $ 1,455,271 $ 0.34
NE 404,585 $ 1,961,504 $ 0.21
TN 382,962 $ 6,910,840 $ 0.06
UT 295,611 $ 3,271,616 $ 0.09
ND 261,052 $ 779,094 $ 0.34
SD 255,231 $ 886,667 $ 0.29
NH 213,502 $ 1,377,529 $ 0.15
VT 77,269 $ 643,077 $ 0.12
AK 50,000 $ 733,391 $ 0.07
Total: 327,227,517 $ Average: 0.87 $
Note: Wyoming and West Virginia were not listed in CTCL's Form 990,
so they presumably didn't receive any grants.
Source: Grant data from CTCL 2020 Form 990, Schedule I. Population
data from U.S. Census Bureau.

George Soros just named Lord Mark Malloch-Brown as president of Open Society Foundation. Brown is the former CEO of Smartmatic, the company deeply tied to voter fraud company Dominion Voting Systems.
Nothing to see here. Biggest left wing donor in the world promotes Lord Mark Malloch-Brown / Dominion machines to President of Open Society (the biggest Non Profit organization promoting left wing BLM, Stacey Abrams, Antifa, Left wing Attorney General and much more. Dominion Machines are directly tied to left wing Soros. NO CORRUPTION HERE. NOTHING TO SEE HERE

Maria Gaudio

Why would Cherokee County hire Ann Brumbaugh as their Board of Elections attorney when she is the very same disastrous attorney for the Fulton County Board of Elections?

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