• Who Is Talitrix? - Part II

    By Staff
    March 21, 2023
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    In the second in our series, we discuss the company's structure, executives and what some Talitrix executives have said about the company's capabilities.

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    This is our second in a series reporting on data surfacing in response to public questions about a local company known as Talitrix.

    Since we first reported on this story yesterday, additional data has come to The Georgia Record which adds even more questions to “Who is Talitrix?

    The company referred to as Talitrix is actually four companies with similar names: Talitrix, LLC, Talitrix Georgia, LLC, Talitrix Holdings, LLC and Talitrix ITW, LLC.

    All began as Georgia Corporations and all were converted to Delaware Corporations in December 2022, approximately 4 months ago.

    The Talitrix website lists six executives "The Talitrix Team":

    The page does not mention Todd Jones (Georgia House of Representatives member) who testified in Tennessee, in 2021, before a combined Senate and House Committee hearing, stating that he was Chairman of the company.

    It also doesn’t list Micah Gravely, former Georgia House member who testified at the same Tennessee hearing and who lists  himself as Vice President of Business Development at Talitrix:

    Further, Talitrix' page does not list Marc Morris, another former Georgia House of Representatives member, who lists himself as Chief People Officer. Talitrix.

    During the aforementioned testimony in Tennessee, Jones and Gravely revealed more about Talitrix, it’s capabilities and plans.

    Typically billed as a tracking mechanism for criminals, Gravely and Jones revealed that their devices could also be used to address “mental health and addiction services".........

    They also spoke of the ability to build upon their capability to create "predictive analytics,".........

    During the testimony Jones and Gravely used slides to further describe their points.  One such slide refers to “Pandemic Control.”   Given the nature of what the world saw in 2020/2021 with forced lockdowns and quarantine camps seen around the world, The Georgia Record wonders what “pandemic control” might mean to Talitrix, and more importantly, to Georgia.

    Another slide refers to “non-citizens database” and we once again ponder what the meaning and context of Talitrix devices might be used for in a “non-citizen database” and how this might alter the approach to this or other groups.

    During questioning regarding what biometrics the system could report, Mr. Jones clarified that by early 2022 Talitrix would have the ability to report on biometrics indicating alcohol or drug use.   If a wrist-worn system can sense drug use or alcohol in a human body what other data could theoretically be gathered and reported?

    Jones also disclosed that the system includes facial recognition technology.

    It should be noted that "monitoring" use in a mental health setting, “biometrics," and “predictive analytics” are expressly called out in House Bill 520, which is currently under consideration in Georgia's Senate at the moment of this publication.

    Readers may view the entire testimony session HERE.

    Our next reporting is expected to delve into others who seem to be connected to Talitrix. 

    See our first report on Talitrix HERE.

    All information herein is presented for public education based on publicly available sources. No allegations of any kind are intended.

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    N Anon

    Pretty simple. Just another company pushing Chinese products. https://uwb.woxuwireless.com/views/News/Overseas_Visits.html

    Last edited 1 year ago by N Anon

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