• Josh McKoon And The Eagles Club - Friend or F.O.E.?

    By Staff
    May 6, 2024

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    We have previously reported on the reported plan to remove Brian Pritchard from his position as 1st Vice Chair of the Georgia GOP.

    Josh McKoon, Chair of the Georgia GOP, sent out a notice to State Committee members that a meeting would be held this coming Friday at 12 noon at a location called the Fraternal Order of Eagles.

    Information has begun surfacing regarding this “club” and given the importance of this upcoming meeting a review of the venue seems justified.

    Located in a light industrial area, "The Eagles Club" at first glance seems reminiscent of clubs such as Elks Lodges and the like which were prevalent in past years.

    It’s signage calls itself F.O.E. 714 (short for Fraternal Order of Eagles)

    Apparently Josh McKoon, CEO of the Georgia GOP Inc. is leader of F.O.E. 714 holding a title they call the “Worthy President”

    A picture of Josh McKoon at The Eagles Club.

    A simple online search will indicate the F.O.E. organization was reportedly formed in the late 1800’s by theater owners and workers in Seattle.

    Sources report that F.O.E. 714 (The Eagles Club) is a frequent gathering spot for legislators, politicians and their associates and has actually been used for certain political events. An example is shown below:

    The Georgia Record reported some months ago about a Karaoke contest held through The Eagles Club and reportedly won by Josh McKoon and John Garst. (Garst was a lobbyist for Dominion Voting Systems until 2022)


    The website:


    describes the history of F.O.E. and suggests a connection to something called “Phoenix Masonry”  perhaps as in “Freemasonry.”

    Some F.O.E. items appear to carry symbols and forms common to other sects of Masonic orders:

    Source: http://www.phoenixmasonry.org/masonicmuseum/fraternalism/eagles.htm

    Other F.O.E. websites describe special handshakes, and in some cases speak of rituals and hidden meanings apparently known only to members of the F.O.E.

    Locally the F.O.E. hosts a Facebook page that includes photos of apparent events at the club.   Some of these photos display examples of cross-dressing and more.

    Some might say this is all just good fun.   Others might find some of this behavior insensitive or even offensive.

    But then there are the pictures of children. Some of these appear to be taken during parties which may be Halloween parties:  A sampling of photos appears below. (Parental and Viewer discretion is advised.)

    Some may feel that placing underage children in cages is some form of fun but many people would label this unacceptable.

    So why would a “club” that reportedly caters to politicians and whose “Worthy President” Josh McKoon is CEO of the Georgia GOP, Inc. sponsor or even condone such activities?     We don’t know.

    The Georgia Record will report further information as it becomes available.

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    Ed Vidal

    Weird stuff!

    Kerry OConnell

    Oh, the horrors! People having fun, especially at Halloween, and raising thousands for charity!

    Victoria Cruz

    So why involve the children in this macabre display? There is no rationale for it when children are already being victimized in their schools and libraries. Any parent who allowed this needs a psych exam.

    Meg Mehserle

    The bottom line is, when he was asking to be elected, Mckoon promised to do the common sense right thing - to get rid of these corrupted machines.
    That’s all he got elected on.

    So what has he been doing since then? Let’s stay focused on the big thing.

    Vikki Consiglio

    Josh has raised money for the GAGOP and has paid the attorney fees of not just 3 electors that have been indicted but for all 16 electors who have had to have attorney representation. This was his promise from the platform. He has made good on that promise. As far as the venue....seriously, has no one ever attended a Halloween Party, neighborhood Halloween Party or Halloween House Party. I've seen churches scare folks half to death in their depiction of the devil and hell in there Road to Hell.

    Fuck Josh McKoon

    Yet you they want us to stick together when the party is rife in corruption.


    Doesn't make either one moral, ethical or right !


    So, because he has raised money we are supposed to let his lying go unanswered?
    No one in their right mind thinks it's ok for children to be put in cages, Halloween party or not!
    In 2017 the Georgia Pardons and Parole Board concluded that Brian Pritchard had the lawful right to vote.

    Trailerpark Supervisor

    This is like the Bohemian Grove for those afflicted with Down Syndrome.

    Josh McKoon: Hey! Let's have parties at a place frequented by cross-dressers and people that look like they've been possessed by satan!

    Everyone Else: Wait, what? Wouldn't that give the Republican Party a bad look?

    Josh McKoon: Huh? Why would you think that?

    Everyone Else: Do we really have to explain this? I mean look at all the hair coming out of those heels!

    Josh McKoon: C'mon! They're just having fun!

    Last edited 5 months ago by Trailerpark Supervisor
    furor kek tonicus

    ah yes, the Grand Old Pedophiles. the spirit of Dennis Hastert and Lawrence E. King Jr. lives on.

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