• State Election Board Does 180 - Becomes Productive After Initial Drama - Rule Passes To Hand Count Ballot Totals To Match Machines

    July 9, 2024

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    The fat lady has not yet sung for the 2024 presidential elections but Georgia today received a shot in the arm for election integrity.

    After today's SEB meeting initial drama that we detailed here at the Georgia Record, over the 'Rossi case', which was tabled, new SEB member Janelle King helped pass a rule requiring precincts to hand count ballots to ensure the numbers match the machine-tabulated ballots on election day.

    Credit's due where credit's due.

    The rule has to be cleaned up by attorneys, but the development is optimistic.

    Georgia GOP First Vice Chair David Cross, himself an election-integrity advocate, declared to The Georgia Record, "Today's meeting was one of the most productive we have had in a long time. Having Janelle king was a gigantic change from Edward Lindsey due to her interest, energy, and inquisitiveness."

    The Georgia Record will stay on this story.

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    L Todd Wood

    L. Todd Wood is the CEO of Creative Destruction Media. He's also been a longtime national security columnist for the Washington Times, and other large publications. Visit LToddWood.com.

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    Michele Sarkisian

    Better news although we All ask what took so long with all the evidence of filthy elections in Georgia?! Hand counts were the way elections worked in years past...very doable despite screams from corrupt Dominion advocates. Machines have proved hackable, often broken, they read QR codes rather than actual marked votes and aren't trusted! Hand counts must be more than simple paper numbers validating machine counts...they must be hand counts of actual votes marked by voters!

    Bob Long

    Now do something about mail-ins.

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