People Across The Country Weigh-In On Brunson v. Adams 

December 11, 2022

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The Brunson v. Adams case continues to fascinate the American public as more and more people learn about the basis of the case and ponder why the U.S. Supreme Court would choose to take this particular case on.     

As reported earlier, the case asserts that prior to the January 6th vote, Congress was given information suggesting the reasonable possibility of malfeasance during the 2020 Election.  They were asked to pause their vote and investigate the evidence to ensure a valid outcome.  By voting to move ahead and ignoring the concerns brought forward, the case asserts that these members of Congress violated their sworn Oath to abide by the Constitution and protect the Country from enemies foreign and domestic.   The Brunson case is currently on the U.S. Supreme Court docket and is calendared for internal conference on January 6, 2023. 

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Now, across the Country, a grassroots initiative to communicate the Peoples wishes to the Supreme Court has emerged.  Those interested in participating are able to do so quickly and easily:  Each person simply sends two letters - 1 to the Supreme Court and 1 to the Brunson brothers (The Brunson brothers will keep count and report how many letters are received.)   

The following will provide the simple steps to participate in the initiative:   

1. Get 2 envelopes, 2 stamps, 2 pieces of paper.   (You can also print and sign the example letter below) 

2. On each piece of paper write: 

Attention to the “9 Supreme Court Justices”. Express support of Brunson vs Alma S Adams et al, No.: 22-380. Sign your name and date it. You can write more if you wish. It’s that simple. 

Here’s a link to a template letter to personalize/print: (Also see example letter below.) 

3. You now have either 2 handwritten copies or 2 printed copies. 

4. One copy goes into a stamped envelope addressed to: 

Supreme Court of the United States 

1 First Street NE 

Washington, DC 20543. 

5. One copy goes into a stamped envelope addressed to: 

Loy & Raland Brunson 

4287 South Harrison Blvd., Apt. 132 

Ogden, Utah 84403. 

They’re counting your letters! *Add $1 dollar to say thanks. 

6. URGENT, the case is slated for JANUARY 6th. Mail your letters! 

7. Share with friends & family. 


You may also view and share this video

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<EXAMPLE LETTER >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 

Supreme Court of the United States  

1 First Street, NE  

Washington, DC 20543 


Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr.  

Associate Justice Clarence Thomas  

Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor  

Associate Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr.  

Associate Justice Elena Kagan.  

Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett  

Associate Justice Neil M. Gorsuch  

Associate Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh  

Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson  

RE: Brunson v. Alma S. Adams et al   

CASE No.: 22-380  

Dear Justices,   

This letter is to express my support of the above referenced case. I am concerned the United States has experienced a national security breach and a violation of every citizen's greatest power in a Republic: voting. I ask that you stand against the adherence of foreign and domestic enemies and uphold the supreme law of the land by granting this petition. You truly are in a position that represents a court system greater than the world has ever seen.  

I, along with many others, seem to be witnessing our nation being captured and I am left to wonder if it  might be by some of these very respondents. I pray for the right and just outcome and I am grateful for your time and consideration.   


Name:_______________________________________ Date:________________________ 



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Bill spent 25+ years managing businesses in the Information and Technology sector. His career includes positions with Philips Electronics, CompuCom, AT&T and IBM. Since 2019 he has been investigating and researching business, health and political issues in order to make truthful information available to the American people.

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The irony of the Justices reviewing the case on January 6 should not go unnoticed.


I can assure you, it hasn't gone unnoticed.


Please correct to say # instead of Apt in their address. It is a mail box, not a residence. Thanks! (I read this from Raland himself on Telegram)

Christine Hoeflich

Thanks for sharing the Brunson case! I share it as well on my own blog.


Greetings Robert Cunningham & William Quinn

Regarding your analysis of Brunson v. Adams I felt that you might want to look a little closer at Mr. Brunsons’ filing. In it he claims that the United States is a republic. That in itself is unfortunately wrong. The United States ceased to exist in 1865, you may recall the reconstruction of the U.S. during the post war period. To grasp the “ceased to exist” statement one must refer to the definition of “reconstruction”, without going into detail I would like to point out that one of the defining characteristics of reconstruction is that whatever is being reconstructed must first no longer exist in order to be reconstructed. Sadly the reconstruction resulted in something other than a republic. Some would suggest the U.S. became a democracy, I would argue that the U.S. became a foreign corporation controlled by a fascist oligarchy.
While it’s a fact that a preamble is not the body of law and is merely a declaratory statement I would like to refer to the preamble of the Constitution for the United States of America for further evidence. Prior to the so called “civil war” (in my opinion it is more accurate to call it “the federal revolution of 1861” and will further be refereed to as such.) the preamble declared that the constitution was “for” the United States of America indicating that it created or constituted the union. However after the revolution of 1861 “for” was changed to “of” indicating that it now belonged to the U.S. Government. For further evidence of that one can refer to the U.S. code where you will find that the so called constitution has been codified and is now merely some sort of federal statute.
Mr Brunson also refers to the 14th amendment however I don’t think he fully understands it. The 14th amendment states that U.S. citizens are “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” and with a cursory review of the subject one will find that the court has made it quite clear that U.S. citizens are congress’s property. I commend him for his efforts unfortunately U.S. citizens don’t have “rights” only “privileges” granted by their masters (in this case congress). I know for a fact the court fully understands this and in my opinion will and has always ruled in favor of the masters even when it appears they didn’t (the recent Roe v wade reversal is a classic example).

In summery:
His assumption that there is a republic is incorrect thus his petition is in the wrong jurisdiction at best. Also he needs to come to terms with the fact that as stated in the 14th amendment he is “subject to the jurisdiction” and that reduced him literally to the status of a government slave.

The masters will never give you the tools or the education necessary to overthrow them and I have a pessimistic outlook lets hope I’m wrong. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best .

Your pal Bob.

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