• COVERUP CONTINUES!!! Sec of State Office Will Only Allow Inspection Of Ballot Images If SEB Agrees Case Is CLOSED

    By Staff
    July 25, 2024

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    In an email dated May 14, 2024 from Charlene McGowan, General Counsel for Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Ms. McGowan states: "However, we can make the files available for inspection, so long as the Board is in agreement that this case is fully resolved and closed."

    McGowan's email was in response to continued requests by Dr. Jan Johnston, a member of the Georgia State Election Board, to be able to review ballot images that are at issue in a long standing SEB case (SEB 2023-025), one of several complaints brought forward since 2021 by Joseph Rossi.

    Many Georgians have expressed deep seated concern about the case since for more than a year the Secretary of State's office, their attorneys, investigators and even certain members of the State Election Board have been seen to ignore, postpone, delay and divert the case in what many call attempts to avoid disclosure of findings which could show what may have happened to change voting results in the 2020 election.

    This latest email exchange disclosure seems to suggest that the SoS Office intends to withhold evidence that is in their possession until they can be assured that the case that may be bring such evidence forth no longer exists.

    See the email exchange between Dr. Johnston and McGowan below.

    Liz Harrington noted the situation in a post this afternoon:

    While nothing in this article should be deemed to propose or present any accusations of wrongdoing, a legal source consulted by The Georgia Record, stated that a number of Georgia Codes are designed to prevent "tampering" with evidence. OCGA 16-10-94, for example, defines offenses for those who "...knowingly destroys, alters, conceals or disguises physical evidence..."

    The Georgia Record will continue to follow this case as new information emerges.

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    Robert Travis

    It does seem that God has withheld from Georgia all ability to repent and turn from its corrupt politics. It's corrupt, anything but Christian, politicos are bring shame and judgement to the Peach State.

    2 Timothy 2:25-26
    those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.


    these criminals have outed themselves, they are bottom feeders and must be held fully accountable for obstruction of justice and defrauding the people of AZ

    Boyd Parks

    How can one tamper with evidence if they are only given a copy? Since when is hiding the truth proper behavior, legal or otherwise?

    Susan Lord

    Only can see the ballots after the case is closed, isn't that kind of BassAckward?


    These people aren't already in jail for obstruction?

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