LIVE FEED: Georgia Election Integrity Event Showing Machine Hack

August 27, 2022
Biden DOJ Coordinated Legal Assault On Georgia Election Integrity Law With Liberal Groups

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Georgia patriots are holding a mock election event to allegedly show how the machines can be manipulated to flip an election.

  • Live Feed ending
  • Conflicting info. Only had 100K votes left to count but ended up with much more. Art and fiction
  • He says each one missing is $1K fine.

  • 1712 EST - Cross is quoting many many who characterize GA audits as a joke. “Frankenaudit”
  • David Cross is reviewing info now including study revealing missing ballots. Walking through what happens when ballot is scanned. A SHA file should match TIF files and prove no alteration.
  • 1705 EST - She just mentioned that Raff says GA is looking into a Pilot program to remove QR code’s. Pilot! Means trial. Good news is they admit potential issues. AND admit using pilots!
  • 1702 est - Now we are seeing ballots if those who Did vote and go through system. QR code reads entirely different from actual ballot. NOW there is interference again. Can’t print ballots now. Surrea asked all to turn cameras off. Not sure all did.
  • 1700 est - She actually built the tabulator. Spent time (over 2 hours) in a police car this morning because accused of holding a tabulator illegally. There must be a mole somewhere who alerted SoS office. She is PISSED with current situation so she told us all what happened.
  • Diverse crowd here in terms of race, party, age, gender and ethnicity. We are voting on tablets now.
  • All fighting together to protect voices. Already filed in US Federal Court.
  • Democrats, Republicans and independents and many candidates are on suit.
  • Surrea is filing a criminal suit. Malfeasance. Both 2020 and 2022 elections were illegal. Hiring Dominion was illegal based on section 3, 17 and 18. They said they agreed to abide by GA but did not. She claims 39 violations in contract. Series of illegal acts and there was Ample opportunity to correct it. They did not.
  • Garland just said in GA we have 2 more months. He is talking also about preserving longer due to ongoing litigation.
  • Sept 3 is when 2020 records can be deleted.
  • GA SoS came for tabulator at Surrea Ivy’s home!

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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.
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Peggy Brown

I personally saw a car with the trunk open that had about 8-10 post 0ffice flats and they were full of ballots!!! This was Dec 23rd of 2020. It was for a run off election for Senate seats. So this they stole also. Who do you call when it is Christmas Eve's Eve??

  • magnifiermenu