
My Time With President Donald J. Trump

March 31, 2022

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Guest post by Rob Cunningham

Blessed with the opportunity for a one-hour encounter with the 45th President of the United States, I attended a Roundtable Session in Commerce, Georgia, on Saturday, March 26th, 2022, with the most consequential and accomplished leader in America and the world. The purpose  for  sharing my experience is to bring some much-needed hope in these days of war, rumors of war, global corruption, and historic levels of distrust.

President Trump’s purpose for visiting Georgia was to highlight the significance of our state’s 2022 mid-term elections. America and the world face unprecedented turmoil, economic destruction, societal strife, legislative sabotage, and an extreme void of true leadership. Georgians will play a crucial role in helping reverse the global forces hellbent  on installing a one world system of government.

“Well, hello. Aren’t you quite the handsome gentleman!” These were the words I was greeted with as President Trump extended his arm to shake my hand. Never would I have expected to hear that greeting in my wildest imagination. “Thank you, Mr. President. I am honored to meet you. I want you to know you’re the finest Commander in Chief  I’ve  had the pleasure of knowing. Thank you for all you continue doing for us.” As we turned to have our photos taken, President Trump responded, “You’re so very welcome and thank you, Rob.” I was then escorted to a private tent and seated for a round table discussion with President Trump, nine candidates running for the highest political offices in Georgia and twenty-two leaders, donors, and Georgia citizens.

“Is the Ukraine situation “the head of the global snake,” and do you believe the emerging evidence of such vast corruption, bribery, money laundering, human trafficking, U.S. funded bio-weapons labs and the connections to so many U.S. politicians, might lead to a devolution of power from the Washington, D.C. swamp?”

As President Trump invited questions from attendees, I was the first guest he acknowledged. With so many complex issues engulfing our world, the first opportunity of my lifetime to ask a presidential question was one I deeply considered. “Thank you, Mr. President. Rob Cunningham from Milton, Georgia. We are all honored to have you in our state. Is the Ukraine situation “the head of the global snake,” and do you believe the emerging evidence of such vast corruption, bribery, money laundering, human trafficking, U.S. funded bio-weapons labs and the connections to so many U.S. politicians, might lead to a devolution of power from the Washington, D.C. swamp?”

For the next five minutes, eye to eye, President Trump responded to my questions. It was a surreal moment for an average guy seeking no political office, holding no special influence or press credentials, and being a total stranger to the President. There was no media present and the atmosphere in the room was cordial, genuine and relaxed. President Trump first responded by emphasizing the absolute horrible conditions we find ourselves in as a nation and the dire threats we face in Ukraine. He stressed we are dealing with weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, Russian President Vladmir Putin’s highly unpredictable personality, and Joe Biden’s embarrassingly dangerous incompetence. He emphasized the fact that Biden’s team found it necessary to retract five dangerous and factually incorrect statements spoken by Joe Biden during his live broadcasts from Poland. At a time when global geo-political tensions are so extreme, national economies are teetering on the brink of ruin, financial sanctions are being levied against a G7 Nation and the intertwined U.S., Russia, Ukraine, NATO and EU conflicts cry out for strong, decisive leadership, our world is facing the dangerous incompetency of Joe Biden.

President Trump then emphasized that during his administration, he had personally communicated to President Putin that if he ever attacked the United States, he would immediately lose Moscow and all of Russia. “Even if Putin only believed 5% of what I promised him regarding my military stance, it was obviously enough to deter him from taking any action”, was the essence of President Trump’s point. He then noted that reports were emerging about the level deaths and destruction within Ukraine being far worse than the U.S. media was reporting. He stated it “appears” Russia isn’t doing as well as they had initially planned, and they might be running out of options. His inference being that Putin might escalate his actions if he felt his mission wasn’t being accomplished.

In response to my question about the potential devolution of power resulting from the emerging news of massive corruption between Ukrainians and Washington politicians, President Trump’s mild-mannered, low-key response was a simple, “Who knows?”  Being a student of political strategy and a keen observer of President Trump’s style, I discerned a sense of poker-faced slyness in his response, a “You have no idea what I know, but you’ll soon find out.” attitude that only exudes from a man who possesses a strong level of contentment.

In God We Trust

Following my brief time with the man I consider the most effective and consequential President in U. S. history, the term “anointed” most accurately describes my sentiment.  During the global spiritual war raging between the forces of good and evil, I sensed the presence of a warrior who is brilliantly equipped and fully embraces his purpose. I believe Donald Trump was made for this very moment in history. I do not believe in coincidences. No other man alive could endure the wrath, navigate the complexities, display the endurance, produce such incredible results and build the most amazingly loyal fan base across the world, all while holding official office and retaining his DeFacto position as unofficial leader of the free world.  

May we never forget, God Wins. Warrior on!

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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.
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