This multi-part series has explored some lesser-known facts about how the leaders of Johns Creek have subjected the city to unnecessary and undesirable outside influence. This influence involves zoning ordinances (Inclusionary Housing Zoning, Section 4.26) that are totally out of context with the spirit and intent of all other zoning laws we have to preserve and protect the existing character of our community. This influence also involves mandates tethered to the pursuit of Federal funding that has already triggered Federal intrusion and efforts to socially engineer our community. Our city has most certainly opened the door for Federal overreach right into our back yards.
Granted, as mentioned earlier, the Federal funding pursued so far has been limited to relatively small amounts. But no matter how small, the Federal mandates still come into play. And you can see from the CAPER report our city is clearly setting the stage to engage further as a Federal “entitlement community”. Do you want our city to develop a dependency on this funding? Do you want to live under CAPER mandates? Do you want the Federal government to suddenly issue new guidelines, directives, or executive orders that “clarify” or “reinterpret” outside mandates in ways the community doesn’t want? Would you like to see the Federal government suddenly threaten to cut funding even with no legal basis like you currently see with several US states? Do you want the city embroiled in Federal lawsuits to defend itself?
As for Inclusionary Housing, it should be noted that the following clause is specified in Section 4.26: Participation in the Inclusionary Housing Zoning Program shall be voluntary for a twenty-four month period after which it will sunset until the Mayor and City Council can assess the effectiveness of the program and determine the conditions for its future implementation. But when does this participation begin? Did it begin already?
Will it start commensurate with developer negotiations for The District? Will developer compliance with Section 4.26 be openly discussed and considered in zoning board hearings? Will the zoning board be required to consider such compliance a plus even if citizens are totally opposed?
In an effort to make sure the Inclusionary Housing program is not geographically isolated, Section 4.26 has numerous stipulations to ensure distribution, including a statement that the program must be dispersed in all residential developments. Really? How in the world did this section of ordinances get included in our city code? Why was it approved and adopted? And once we give in to this social engineering, what if our city leaders decide the Inclusionary Housing program is ineffective? Are we going to uproot families and tear down dense subsidized housing units to put things back like before? No, of course not, reversing this program would be literally impossible.
It should also be noted that planned housing with Inclusionary Zoning goals is nothing new and it has been implemented elsewhere. Proponents say it results in reduced commute times for workers who cannot afford to live where they work. Going further back in time, some liken Inclusionary Zoning in communities like Johns Creek to “rent control” districts in places like New York City. There! You just saw Johns Creek and New York City used in the same sentence.
It should also be noted that our City Council has debated the issue of accepting Federal monies with strings attached and some Council members have expressed serious concerns. But we seem to steadily inch forward with more involvement, step by step.
This series of articles will end with something to think about. The Federal government, through HUD, is working right now to collect and analyze detailed demographic data in municipalities throughout the US down to the zip code level, with a particular focus on major city suburbs.
The City of Johns Creek recently made some of this data available for public access. This HUD program results from recent Federal (Executive Branch) directives and it is called Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing. One of the goals of the program is to relocate HUD Section-8 recipients from the inner cities to the suburbs. Some areas where this program has already been implemented include Dubuque Iowa and the Dallas metro area including Frisco, Plano, and McKinney. Unfortunately, these social engineering experiments didn’t exactly go well even to the extent that the intended beneficiaries didn’t benefit.
Is this where the city of Johns Creek is headed?
What can you do? Write the City Council:
Demand that our Code of Ordinances is revised to exclude Section 4.26. Urge the city to stop the pursuit of Federal funding with compliance mandates and unwanted outside influence.
Let the citizens of Johns Creek decide what happens in Johns Creek. After all, that is why we voted to form the city, isn’t it?
This has to be stopped! We should organize a friendly protest at next meeting.
I have an idea - let's BUILD A WALL !
Good article. Throw the bums out.