• The Deceitful Illusions Of Harris-Walz

    October 15, 2024
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    Image by Kidfly182

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    They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and in the case of the barrage of political advertisements interrupting our favorite streamcast, the picture may be worth a thousand votes...or more. Political ads reveal some of the unearthed stories and philosophies voting blocs rally behind. Topics that might not be discussed around your kitchen table are served in heaps at the masses. What political analysts and campaigns alike speculate will be the decision-making issues for voters become the focal points of these ads, much to the chagrin of workday warriors. Herein lies the deceitful illusions presented to single-issue voters.

    Biden-Harris, now Harris-Waltz’ pundits have put together a treasure trove of commercials and attack ads that feature one word above all else -- Trump. They passionately express the ways in which Trump will destroy our economy even though his record as president proved otherwise. They articulate in layman's terms the systematic path Trump will take to strip women of their reproductive rights despite the fact that sending the power to control the womb back to the states was a very Constitutional act; one that could be argued as being as anti-female as Roe itself. Each time Harris approves a message for mass dissemination, she in fact is talking about Trump. Little is said about her plans for the country she wants to lead, except for the obligatory “She has a plan.”

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    Pretend with me that Vice-President Harris does have a plan for America. Can we assume for a moment that it is any different than the horror we have witnessed from Washington, DC., over these past three and a half years? I think not. Besides the notion of her Day One promises, we cannot help but consider the perpetual flip-flopping ideologies she is said to support. Harris’ ideologies have little in the way of substance beyond her Marxist upbringing. When Tim Walz’ history is added into this mix we end up with a deadly combination of wackos who insist Biblically-based leadership is ‘weird.’

    Yet the point for us, the decision-makers in this We The People run United States, is to look beyond the name calling toward that which is factually based, documented policy about whatever issue leads us to the polls. It is easy for an old white politician to point the finger at others like him and say, “Trust women.” What is not as easy is to stand on the principle that all life is sacred, even when it is not planned for. It may be a knee jerk reaction for Vice President Harris to laugh her way through this campaign, but none of us will be laughing if she is actually elected. Yet in small communities around our nation, pro-liberation signs supporting Harris’ fake candidacy line the streets. All the while those in favor of logic, proven policies, and common sense seem a bit quiet. The silence adds to the deceitful illusions of the Democrat Party which are infiltrating college campuses, classrooms, social media, and even the church.

    Deceitful is the argument that Donald J.Trump is not fit to be President again. Deceitful is the voice that says it is irresponsible to trust Trump with our nation’s secrets. The idea that our nation’s security and servicement are better off without Trump at the helm is preposterous. Yet, in advertisement after advertisement, clips are pieced together and meticulously bookend by former Republican stalwarts who have found themselves on the other side of compromise -- the dark side.

    American voters have a choice this November to put the antics of tomfoolery behind them by taking off the mask of complacency, and shattering the illusion that this woman is ready to lead. It is an impotent response to think that breaking a glass ceiling, for example, as in electing the first female President of the United States, should be done just because it can be done. There are plenty of analogies about cutting off your nose to spite your face that teach otherwise. America should have a female President and one day we will. But electing a woman who wormed her way to the top rather than working for it, a woman who legitimately has no idea how to lead, a woman who has proven she would rather manipulate women rather than care for them - well that is a deceitful illusion America simply can not afford.

    Whether the economy, education, national security, or healthcare are at the forefront of your kitchen table topics, know that only one candidate actually has a plan that can benefit all of us. The name on everyone’s lips remains Trump.



    Lisa Babbage

    Lisa Babbage is a former Georgia District 7 congressional candidate who aims to defend the US Constitution and understands the modern attack on the American family. Despite a life of challenges, Babbage's unrelenting will to succeed and her appreciation of the American dream has brought her to fight for her community and the nation's founding values.

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