Simple Question - Why Is A Christian Pastor From Johns Creek Baptist Church Teaching Classes On Islam?

April 15, 2022
Dr. Michael McCullar, Formations Pastor JCBC

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Written by CDMedia Founder L Todd Wood

As my father, who recently passed away, started Johns Creek Presbyterian Church in the early 1990s, (was called Church of the Hills at the time) I think I am qualified to write this article.

I was disturbed when I received an email blast from the city of Johns Creek several months back describing a class being taught on Islam in the jurisdiction by Dr. Michael McCullar, the 'formations pastor' at Johns Creek Baptist Church.

What bothered me was not just the fact that a Christian pastor was teaching a class on Islam, an oxymoron in itself, but the apparent white wash of political Islam and its swath of destruction worldwide.

Part 2: Tuesday, 2/15 – Understanding Islam at 10 a.m
Understanding Islam: It is true many people’s understanding of Islam was formed by soundbites or snippets of information found in our multi-media world. This has been amplified since 9-11. Islam has it’s bad players, just as all religions do, but the vast majority of Muslims are spiritual, peaceful and are part of a faith and people group that have made great strides in many areas of life.

We will explore the basic history, theology, practices and beliefs of Islam and discuss ways for better dialogue and relationships. Two local Islamic leaders will be presenting along with Dr. McCullar.

Western Christians are becoming more aware every day of the infilatration of mainline Christian demoninations with the cultural Marxist ideology, which teaches anything but Christianity. The enablement of the LGBTQ agenda is but one facit of this phenomenon. Enablement of Islam is another, brought to you by the same globalists who are harvesting organs in China while Christians are still alive, or burning them alive in Africa.

The goal is the slow-boil destruction of the Christian faith, which stands in the way of the destruction of Western civilization.

A 'brief description' of a book written by McCullar entitled 'A Christian's Guide to Islam' states:

The world seems to be nearing a tipping point in relation to Islam. Radical Muslims have captured the world’s attention, and their acts virtually define modern Islam for much of the West. To many, perception is reality. Dialogue, relationship, and peace will be impossible as long as those in the West perceive that Islam is a religion of radicalism.A

A Christian’s Guide to Islam provides a brief but accurate guide to Muslim formation, history, structure, beliefs, practices, and goals. It explores to what degree the tenets of Islam have been misinterpreted, corrupted, or abused over the centuries. Is jihad the single most alienating component of Islam in the eyes of the West? Is today’s violent minority representative of Islam as a whole? What is the future for the fastest growing religion in the East?

Michael McCullar’s frank and fair discussion of these questions will help readers understand the cultural, historical, and religious contexts from which Islam grew and continues to grow today. Readers will appreciate his clear and well-researched explanations of the complex dynamics at work in the relationships between Islam and Christianity, Muslims and Christians.

We reached out to Pastor McCullar on the phone and were able to briefly chat with him as he was heading to the lcoation to teach the class on Islam. He stated that his audience requested the class be taught during his teachings on the great religions of the world. He suggested a further conversation which we agreed to.

We find his explanation convenient.

We feel that Pastor McCullah is possibly trying to normalize Islam in America.

We emailed Pastor McCullah for a follow-on discussion with the question below, and copied JCBC Senior Pastor Shaun King. We did not receive a reply.

To follow-up on our conversation, I'd like to understand better your reasoning for conducting the class on understanding Islam, and why you think it is appropriate for a Christiian pastor to be teaching such a class, while seemingly minimizing the effects of political Islam globally.
Thank you in advance.
Happy to set up a phone conversation as well.

Let me be clear, I have many close friends and colleagues that practice Islam, but they do not expect me to normalize the religion in my community, nor do they expect me to gloss over political Islam. We respect each other's wishes and way of life.

But, one thing is for sure, I am confident my father would have never allowed this behavior in his church.

Here is an article published in 2017 by the Johns Creek Post on the city's plan to build an Islamic facility in the city limits. Has Pastor McCullah been incentized to help in this effort? This is a question we wanted to ask him in the further discussion he suggested.

Christians must be wary of false teachers, with false agendas for false gods.

We are happy to do an interview with Pastor McCullar at any time to help get his ideas on the subject out to the public. He can reach us a .

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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.
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