Special Alert: Clerk Provides Public Wrong Email Address for Alex Marchetti

August 31, 2017

Clerk Provides Public Wrong Email Address for Alex Marchetti

According to the Marchetti for Mayor Campaign, the Johns Creek City Clerk, published and dispensed the wrong email address for Alex Marchetti, despite providing the correct one on his qualifying forms.

Below is from his campaign Facebook page:

Important: Please Read!

Please be aware the City Clerk incorrectly typed my email address into candidate contact document.

This document has been passed around to residents, media outlets and organizations.

I have not received ANY emails, as a result of this error, and have missed important correspondence.

Please note my correct email address is:


Source: Marchetti for Mayor

Here is his campaign announcement...



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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.
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Suzi Krizan

Why did the City Clerk give out the wrong email address for Alex. M????? Is this a joke???????????????????????????????


What a surprise! This was no accident.

Suzi Krizan

When I called the city clerk this morn, it went straight to voicemail...I left my name and phone number....(with a message saying I need some basic info).....Never got a callback. :-P hmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Several months ago there was an "administrative oversight" on transparency regarding the qualifying period for the upcoming election in JC. Now we have another "administrative oversight" for the Mayor's competition.

The unambiguous conclusion is JC staff is carrying out somebody's orders to cripple competition for some of the open seats in the upcoming election. I'm sick and tired of watching these kind of subversive actions take place in our government. It's time to take our city back and vote out some of the incumbents this fall.


Is anyone surprised at the behavior of this cities current staff? They all need to be removed and an honest staff elected.


City's current staff are mostly Bodker cronies. Once Mayor Alex Marchetti takes charge, all Bodker accomplices shall be replaced with better workers who will also be accepting lesser salaries and perks. A win-win for JC taxpayers!

Anonymous Also

Or, you could Google him and contact him from his website. Took me about three seconds. Good lord people. Snowflakes.


Anonymous Also - well goodie goodie for you.
Many older people are not computer literate and have trouble with anything other than clicking on a link. And stop the name calling. It is childish!


The takeaway I received from this article is Marchetti's website "typo" represents one of many shenanigans by some folks in our government to sometimes suffocate transparency and selectively use and/or omit facts to pursue self-serving agendas that are counter to what many of JC's citizens/voters/taxpayers want to see.

I've seen this time and time again as it relates to land purchases, development, zoning, master plans, capital improvements, and some of the city's costly evergreen consulting contracts, among other things.

It's time for JC's voters to clean house and send some of our incumbents back to the house this fall.

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